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The ValidatorJs library makes data validation in JavaScript very easy in both the browser and Node.js. This library was forked from ValidatorJs to re-write in typescript to add more rules and features.

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The ValidatorJs library makes data validation in JavaScript very easy in both the browser and Node.js. This library was forked from ValidatorJs to re-write in typescript to add more rules and features.

Why use ValidatorJs?

  • Works in both the browser and Node.
  • Readable and declarative validation rules.
  • Error messages with multilingual support.
  • CommonJS/Browserify support.
  • ES6 support.
  • Re-written in Typescript

Basic Usage

const validation = new Validator(rules, options);

rules {Object} - Validation rules

options {Object} - Optional custom options {errors:{[nameofRule]:Errors}}

Example 1 - Passing Validation

let data = {
    name: 'John',
    email: '',
    age: 28,

let rules = {
    name: ['required'],
    email: ['requried', 'email'],
    age: [{ min: 18 }],

let validation = new Validator(rules);

validation.passes(data); // {state:true,data:{'name': 'John','email': '','age': 28}}
validation.getErrors(data); // {}

the result of passes function

if the state is true

data the valid data type that you can use

if the state is false

errors it as an object the define the the paths of the errors ant array of all the error messages

            value:any,//the value of the path,
            message:string,//the description of the error

To apply validation rules to the data object, use the same object key names for the rules object.

Example 2 - Failing Validation

let validation = new Validator({
    name: [{ max: 3 }],
    email: ['required', 'email'],

    name: 'D',
    email: 'not an email',
}); // {'errors': {'email': [{'message': 'THIS IS NOT A VALID EMAIL', 'value': 'not an email'}]}, 'state': false}

    name: 'D',
    email: 'not an email',
}); //{'email': [{'message': 'THIS IS NOT A VALID EMAIL', 'value': 'not an email'}]}

Nested Rules

Nested objects can also be validated. There are two ways to declare validation rules for nested objects. The first way is to declare the validation rules with a corresponding nested object structure that reflects the data. The second way is to declare validation rules with flattened key names. For example, to validate the following data:

let data = {
    name: 'John',
    bio: {
        age: 28,
        education: {
            primary: 'Elementary School',
            secondary: 'Secondary School',

We could declare our validation rules as follows:

let nested = {
    name: ['required'],
    bio: {
        age: [{ min: 18 }],
        education: {
            primary: ['string'],
            secondary: ['string'],

you can declare self validation for the path by adding . to the object:

let nested = {
    name: ['required'],
    bio: {
        '.': ['required'], //here you can add some rules to control bio path
        age: [{ min: 18 }],
        education: {
            primary: ['string'],
            secondary: ['string'],

WildCards Rules

WildCards can also be validated.

let data = {
    users: [
            name: 'John',
            bio: {
                age: 28,
                education: {
                    primary: 'Elementary School',
                    secondary: 'Secondary School',

We could declare our validation rules as follows:

let rules = {
    users: [
            name: ['string'],
            bio: {
                age: [{ min: 18 }],
                primary: ['string'],
                secondary: ['string'],

Or if you want the data as a map object

let rules = {
    users: [
            name: ['string'],
            bio: {
                age: [{ min: 18 }],
                primary: ['string'],
                secondary: ['string'],
        'object', //here you can specify the type of the object if it is map (object) or an array (array)

you can add some rules to the users path by adding the rules after type element

let rules = {
    users: [
            name: ['string'],
            bio: {
                age: [{ min: 18 }],
                primary: ['string'],
                secondary: ['string'],
        ['required', { max: 20 }], // here you can specify the object

you can specify some exceptions of the rules by adding the exception elemnts indexs

let rules = {
    users: [
            name: ['string'],
            bio: {
                age: [{ min: 18 }],
                primary: ['string'],
                secondary: ['string'],
        { '.': ['required', { max: 20 }], 0: ['string'], 1: ['integer'] },

Available Rules

Validation rules do not have an implicit 'required'. If a field is undefined or an empty string, it will pass validation. If you want a validation to fail for undefined or '', use the required rule.


The field under validation must be yes, on, 1 or true. This is useful for validating 'Terms of Service' acceptance.


The field under validation must be after the given date. -->


The field under validation must be before the given date. -->


The field under validation must be after or equal to the given field


The field under validation must be entirely alphabetic characters.


The field under validation may have alpha-numeric characters, as well as dashes and underscores.


The field under validation must be entirely alpha-numeric characters.


The field under validation must be an array.


The field under validation must have a size between the given min and max. Strings, numerics, and files are evaluated in the same fashion as the size rule.


The field under validation must be a boolean value of the form true, false, 0, 1, 'true', 'false', '0' , '1',


The field under validation must have a matching field of foo_confirmation. For example, if the field under validation is password, a matching password_confirmation field must be present in the input.


The field under validation must be a valid date format which is acceptable by Javascript's Date object.


The given field must be different than the field under validation.


The field under validation must be formatted as an e-mail address.


The field under validation must be included in the given list of values. The field can be an array or string.


The field under validation must have an integer value.


Validate that an attribute is no greater than a given size

Note: Maximum checks are inclusive.

Example 1 - Max validation

let rules = {
    phone: ['required', 'numeric', { max: 11 }],
let input = {
    phone: '01234567890',
// passes: true

Example 2 - Max validation

let rules = {
    phone: ['integer', { max: 16 }],
let input = {
    phone: '18',
// passes: false


Validate that an attribute is at least a given size.

Note: Minimum checks are inclusive.

Example 1 - Min validation

let rules = {
    phone: ['required', 'numeric', { min: 11 }],
let input = {
    phone: '01234567890',
// passes: true

Example 2 - Min validation

let rules = {
    phone: ['integer', { min: 11 }],
let input = {
    phone: '18',
// passes: false

not_in:[array of string]

The field under validation must not be included in the given list of values.


Validate that an attribute is numeric. The string representation of a number will pass.


Checks if the length of the String representation of the value is >

required_if:{path:string , value:any}

The field under validation must be present and not empty if the anotherfield field is equal to any value.

required_unless:{path:string , value:any}

The field under validation must be present and not empty unless the anotherfield field is equal to any value.


The field under validation must be present and not empty only if any of the other specified fields are present.


The field under validation must be present and not empty only if all of the other specified fields are present.


The field under validation must be present and not empty only when any of the other specified fields are not present.


The field under validation must be present and not empty only when all of the other specified fields are not present.


The field under validation must be a string.


Validate that an attribute has a valid URL format


The field under validation must match the given regular expression.

Example 3 - Regex validation

let validation = new Validator({
    name: [
            min: 3,
            max: 3,
    salary: [
        { regex: /^(?!0\\.00)\\d{1,3}(,\\d{3})*(\\.\\d\\d)?$/ },
    yearOfBirth: ['required', { regex: /^(19|20)[\\d]{2,2}$/ }],

    name: 'Doe',
    salary: '10,000.00',
    yearOfBirth: '1980',
}); // {state:true,data:{name: 'Doe',salary: '10,000.00',yearOfBirth: '1980'}}

Example 4 - Type Checking Validation

let validation = new Validator({
    age: ['required', { in: [29, 30] }],
    name: [{ required_if: { path: 'age', value: 30 } }],

    age: 30,
    name: '',
}); // {state:false}

Register Custom Validation Rules

Validator.register(key, nameOrFunName, callbackFn, errorsObj);

name {String} - The name of the rule that will be stored in theRules and must be unique.

nameOrFunName {String|(val:unknown)=>boolean} - The name of the rule or the the function that will check if the data pattern belongs to it.

callbackFn {Function} - Returns a string to represent a failed state and undefined to represent a successful. <Data>(value:unknown ,data:Data ,path:string,input:unknown,lang:LangTypes,errors:MessageStore<Data> )=>string|undefined

Custom Attribute Names

Validate One Value

const validator = new Validator({});
validator.validate(value, ruleData, lang);

value {unknown} - The value taht you want to validate.

ruleData {RuleNames} - The rule description that you want to validate like 'string' or {min:20}.

lang {LangTypes} optional :the displaying message language

Asynchronous Validation

Register an asynchronous rule which accepts a passes callback:

    async function (username, data, path, input, lang, errors) {}

Then call your validator using checkAsync passing fails and passes callbacks like so:

let validator = new Validator({
    username: ['required', 'min:3', 'username_available'],

    .asyncPasses({ username: 'username' })
    .then((res) => {})
    .catch((err) => {});
    .asyncGetErrors({ username: 'username' })
    .then((res) => {})
    .catch((err) => {});

Language Support

Error messages are in English by default. To include another language in the browser, reference the language file in a script tag and call Validator.useLang('lang_code').

<script src="dist/validator.js"></script>
<script src="dist/lang/ru.js"></script>

In Node, it will automatically pickup on the language source files.

let Validator = require('validatorjs');

You can add your own custom language in initialization by add your custom errors in the options:

const validator = new Validator(
        errors: {
            required: { en: 'The :attribute field is required.' },

Get the raw object of messages for the given language:


Switch the default language used by the validator:


Get the default language being used:

Validator.getDefaultLang(); // returns e.g. 'en'

get specific errors message by adding lang attribute to the passes or getErrors function

validator.getErrors(data, 'lang_code');

Override default messages for language:

let messages = Validator.Rules.required
messages.en="my new custom message for required rule"


validatorjs created by Imam Ashour

E-Mail: Website:


The ValidatorJs library makes data validation in JavaScript very easy in both the browser and Node.js. This library was forked from ValidatorJs to re-write in typescript to add more rules and features.







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