All #hullCSS Members are subject to our Code of Conduct. Any examples in this document must not be considered an exhaustive list, but any breach will be considered against this code. A Member is defined as an attendee of a #hullCSS event, a person(s) holding (or having held) a valid paid membership. Or a community member, e.g., non-paid members. We, Our, Us refers to the #hullCSS society. You, Users, Members refers to you, the reader. This document uses the following action terms: must, should, must not, should not and must accept. General Conduct
- Members must keep the chat civil and polite, do not abuse or insult anyone on the discord.
- Disagreements, while they may occur, should be resolved smoothly, respectfully, and safely.
- Members must not discriminate against any other user through, though not exhaustive, their gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, age, physical appearance.
- Members must not post anything considered Not Safe For Work (NSFW).
- Members must not post anything sexually insensitive, or anything that can be considered radicalisation.
- Members must not post anything against Discord’s Terms of Service or Hull University Students’ Union Policy on social media. (See end of document)
- Members must try and keep chat in the relevant channels, we may remove content if it clutters another channel.
- Members must not spam messages, images, or any other content. Content spamming will result in mutes and possibly kicks/bans if severe.
- Members must not misuse Pings (@’ing). Your message will be answered as soon as is possible. If you feel that the issue is an emergency or you want to tell us something quickly, DM a member of the Exec team (Yellow in the Discord Bar).
- Members must respect the decisions made by any Exec or Mod. If you feel that an action made by them was wrong, please contact the exec team directly.
- Members must not backseat moderate - leave us to do our jobs. If you feel that there is something that should be brought to our attention, please DM or ping us (refer to rule 9)
- Members must not advertise on the Discord server without permission. If you do wish to advertise, please contact an Exec member, and get our approval before posting.
- This server is made by University of Hull students who are affiliated with Hull University Students’ Union. It is worthwhile noting that this is a public server. Treat everything you post here as if it is public information. (Members must not post sensitive information)
- All Members must accept that breaking any of these rules may result in timeouts, mutes, kicks, and even server bans or event/social bans (including Permanent Bans).
- Members must not make exclusionary jokes, even “ironically.”
- Members must not harass another member, Exec, Mod either in person, on Discord, during events or at any other point. a. Refusing to accept "no" as an answer is harassment, or even abuse. b. Clothing or flirting are not necessarily consent. If you are asked to stop, stop. If in doubt, ask the other person. See for more information on consent. (Using International Web Archive since this page is no longer live).
- Members must not display aggressive behaviours, including elitism. Knowledge should be shared; it is not a competition.
- Members should choose your words carefully. This is a professional environment; you never know who is listening.
- Events may be run where alcohol is available.
- Members must not encourage or pressure other members into drinking of any amount.
- Members must accept that if they become overly intoxicated, and/or become a major disruption, they will be required to leave the event. a. Members should not arrive to an event intoxicated.
- If an event is marked as a “sober social” or as a “strictly no alcohol” event, Members must not arrive under the influence of any alcohol. Members must accept that they will be denied entry to the event if they arrive intoxicated.
- Members should ask about gender rather than assuming, and if you get it wrong, please apologise. Mistakes happen; however, Members should use the person's personal pronouns when addressing or discussing them.
- People's private lives are their own. Members must not share details about others that they have not explicitly made public (i.e., doxing). This includes, but is not limited to, sexuality, gender, medical conditions, housing, relationship, or financial status.
- Members must not take photos of others without their permission. They are entitled to their privacy.
- Members must accept that other members are entitled to their opinion. Speech is free and there are no wrong questions, but Members must keep it considerate and respect someone’s right to refuse to answer.
- Members must not damage other members' property. This includes, but is not limited to, physical, intellectual, or reputational.
- Members must not engage in academic misconduct through #hullCSS events or Discord server.
Members must accept that an Exec or Mod’s decision is definite and can be queried or a review requested into the matter. Execs and Mods must ensure that they do not action unreasonably and/or use their position of power inappropriately.
It's always better to let someone know that their behaviour is liable to break the code of conduct before it does so. As such, a warning will be issued. Any warnings issued should be reported to the Exec, or at
- Request to Leave
- If we are running an event and need to remove you for the wellbeing of the community, we may ask you to leave.
- Requirement to Leave
- If you refuse to leave, and continue to remain disruptive, you will be removed from the event. This will be enforced using the University Security, or by the venue staff.
- Termination of Membership
- In extreme cases we may feel it necessary to remove community members who are abusive or aggressive. This will be done through the official University and Hull University Students’ Union channels, and in extreme cases may be reported to the police
You can contact us at:
- Email:
- Discord Server: @Exec or @Mod If you are concerned about a Member's behaviour, please let us know in person or by emailing All reports are confidential! You may also submit a complaint about the society, or its' members, if they have gone against Hull University Students’ Union policy at
If you are a member of BCS, You will be expected to abide by BCS' [Code of conduct] alongside ours.
Within our discord server, you will be expected to follow all [Discord Terms Of Service] and Community Guidelines
You must follow the terms set out by the Hull University Students’ Union,
This policy will be enforced with immediate effect. Members must accept that this policy may change at any time, and while we endeavour to provide notice of any changes, this may not always be possible.
- Policy Enforcement Start Date: Thursday 12th May 2022
- Policy Read Requirement: Required; All Members
- Policy Publicity: Public; Accessible via Website
- Policy Validity Period: Indefinite: Valid until new version released
- Policy Author: Ethan Geraghty
- Policy Authoriser: Toby Maynard