Free, ultrafast Copilot alternative for Vim and Neovim
Codeium autocompletes your code with AI in all major IDEs. We launched this implementation of the Codeium plugin for Vim and Neovim to bring this modern coding superpower to more developers. Check out our playground if you want to quickly try out Codeium online.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests and issues related to the plugin.
using your vim plugin manager of choice, or manually. See Installation Options below. -
:Codeium Auth
to set up the plugin and start using Codeium.
You can run :help codeium
for a full list of commands and configuration
options, or see this guide for a quick tutorial on how to use Codeium.
For a full list of configuration options you can run :help codeium
A few of the most popular options are highlighted below.
Codeium provides the following functions to control suggestions:
Action | Function | Default Binding |
Clear current suggestion | codeium#Clear() |
<C-]> |
Next suggestion | codeium#CycleCompletions(1) |
<M-]> |
Previous suggestion | codeium#CycleCompletions(-1) |
<M-[> |
Insert suggestion | codeium#Accept() |
<Tab> |
Manually trigger suggestion | codeium#Complete() |
<M-Bslash> |
Accept word from suggestion | codeium#AcceptNextWord() |
<C-k> |
Accept line from suggestion | codeium#AcceptNextLine() |
<C-l> |
Codeium's default keybindings can be disabled by setting
let g:codeium_disable_bindings = 1
or in Neovim:
vim.g.codeium_disable_bindings = 1
If you'd like to just disable the <Tab>
binding, you can alternatively
use the g:codeium_no_map_tab
If you'd like to bind the actions above to different keys, this might look something like the following in Vim:
imap <script><silent><nowait><expr> <C-g> codeium#Accept()
imap <script><silent><nowait><expr> <C-h> codeium#AcceptNextWord()
imap <script><silent><nowait><expr> <C-j> codeium#AcceptNextLine()
imap <C-;> <Cmd>call codeium#CycleCompletions(1)<CR>
imap <C-,> <Cmd>call codeium#CycleCompletions(-1)<CR>
imap <C-x> <Cmd>call codeium#Clear()<CR>
Or in Neovim (using wbthomason/packer.nvim or folke/lazy.nvim):
-- Remove the `use` here if you're using folke/lazy.nvim.
use {
config = function ()
-- Change '<C-g>' here to any keycode you like.
vim.keymap.set('i', '<C-g>', function () return vim.fn['codeium#Accept']() end, { expr = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set('i', '<c-;>', function() return vim.fn['codeium#CycleCompletions'](1) end, { expr = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set('i', '<c-,>', function() return vim.fn['codeium#CycleCompletions'](-1) end, { expr = true, silent = true })
vim.keymap.set('i', '<c-x>', function() return vim.fn['codeium#Clear']() end, { expr = true, silent = true })
(Make sure that you ran :Codeium Auth
after installation.)
Codeium can be disabled for particular filetypes by setting the
variable in your vim config file (vimrc/init.vim):
let g:codeium_filetypes = {
\ "bash": v:false,
\ "typescript": v:true,
\ }
Codeium is enabled by default for most filetypes.
You can also disable codeium by default with the g:codeium_enabled
and enable it manually per buffer by running :CodeiumEnable
let g:codeium_enabled = v:false
or in Neovim:
vim.g.codeium_enabled = false
Or you can disable codeium for all filetypes with the g:codeium_filetypes_disabled_by_default
and use the g:codeium_filetypes
variable to selectively enable codeium for specified filetypes:
" let g:codeium_enabled = v:true
let g:codeium_filetypes_disabled_by_default = v:true
let g:codeium_filetypes = {
\ "rust": v:true,
\ "typescript": v:true,
\ }
If you would like to just disable the automatic triggering of completions:
let g:codeium_manual = v:true
" You might want to use `CycleOrComplete()` instead of `CycleCompletions(1)`.
" This will make the forward cycling of suggestions also trigger the first
" suggestion manually.
imap <C-;> <Cmd>call codeium#CycleOrComplete()<CR>
To disable automatic text rendering of suggestions (the gray text that appears for a suggestion):
let g:codeium_render = v:false
Codeium status can be generated by calling the codeium#GetStatusString()
function. In
Neovim, you can use vim.api.nvim_call_function("codeium#GetStatusString", {})
It produces a 3 char long string with Codeium status:
- third suggestion out of 8'0'
- Codeium returned no suggestions'*'
- waiting for Codeium response
In normal mode, status shows if Codeium is enabled or disabled by showing
or 'OFF'
In order to show it in status line add following line to your .vimrc
set statusline+=\{β¦\}%3{codeium#GetStatusString()}
Shorter variant without Codeium logo:
set statusline+=%3{codeium#GetStatusString()}
Please check :help statusline
for further information about building statusline in VIM.
vim-airline supports Codeium out-of-the-box since commit 3854429d.
Calling the codeium#Chat()
function or using the Codeium Chat
command will enable search and indexing in the current project and launch Codeium Chat in a new browser window.
:call codeium#Chat()
:Codeium Chat
The project root is determined by looking in Vim's current working directory for some specific files or directories to be present and goes up to parent directories until one is found. This list of hints is user-configurable and the default value is:
let g:codeium_workspace_root_hints = ['.bzr','.git','.hg','.svn','_FOSSIL_','package.json']
Note that launching chat enables telemetry.
event = 'BufEnter'
Plug 'Exafunction/codeium.vim', { 'branch': 'main' }
Plugin 'Exafunction/codeium.vim'
use 'Exafunction/codeium.vim'
Run the following. On windows, you can replace ~/.vim
git clone ~/.vim/pack/Exafunction/start/codeium.vim
Run the following. On windows, you can replace ~/.config
git clone ~/.config/nvim/pack/Exafunction/start/codeium.vim