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Udacity Deep Learning Nanodegree projects

About this Repository

This repository covers all projects done and submitting during the Deep Learning Nanaodegree from Udacity.

  1. Basics of neural networks Building a multilayer perceptron and learnt on how to feedforward and backpropagate a model. Predict bike-sharing pattern

  2. Convolutional neural networks Applying transfer learning to build an app that classify a dog breeds by using human and dog data.

  3. Recurrent neural networks Using Long-Short term momory (LSTM) to generate a new TV scripts

  4. Generative Adversarial Networks Using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks to generate new faces from Hollywood celebrities.

  5. Amazon SageMaker model deployment Deploy the model to amazon sagemaker. More info, please refer to this repo

Software requirements:

Python 3.0 and above
Jupyter notebook
NumPy, Pandas, OpenCv

Graduation certificate
