Node-based editor/blueprints for ImGui
Create your custom nodes and their logic... ImNodeFlow will handle connections, editor logic, and rendering.
- Support for Zoom
- Built-in Input and Output logic
- Built-in links handling
- Customizable filters for different connections
- Built-in customizable pop-up events
- Appearance 100% customizable
- Add the following lines to your CMakeLists.txt:
include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(ImNodeFlow GIT_REPOSITORY "" GIT_TAG "origin/master" SOURCE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/includes/ImNodeFlow" ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(ImNodeFlow)
add_compile_definitions(IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS) target_link_libraries(YourProject ImNodeFlow)
- Download and copy, or clone the repo (or the latest release) inside your project
- Add the following lines to your CMakeLists.txt:
add_subdirectory(path/to/ImNodeFlow) . . . add_compile_definitions(IMGUI_DEFINE_MATH_OPERATORS) target_link_libraries(YourProject ImNodeFlow)
- Make sure you have the following dependencies available for
class SimpleSum : public BaseNode
setTitle("Simple sum");
addIN<int>("IN_VAL", 0, ConnectionFilter::SameType());
addOUT<int>("OUT_VAL", ConnectionFilter::SameType())
->behaviour([this](){ return getInVal<int>("IN_VAL") + m_valB; });
void draw() override
ImGui::InputInt("##ValB", &m_valB);
int m_valB = 0;
For a more detailed explanation please refer to the documentation