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🌐 FlowCrypt Browser Extension (Encrypt Gmail with PGP)

πŸ‘‹ Try our extension
⬇ Download the FlowCrypt Browser Extension on your device from the FlowCrypt Downloads page.

πŸ’» Developers

Mock tests

We develop the project in TypeScript. However, since browsers only understand JavaScript, the project needs to be transpiled to it. You need to build the project the first time you download/clone it, and then build it again after each change you make to see the result in the browser. To get started, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the project folder and install the tooling by running the following commands:
# 1. Navigate to the appropriate folder
$ cd some/folder/flowcrypt-browser
# 2. Install the tooling
$ npm install
  1. To build the project (currently available for Linux and Mac only), run the following command:
$ npm run build

After executing the build command, you can find your built project in the build/chrome-consumer and build/firefox-consumer folders.

ℹ️ Note: The build folder also contains other versions of the browser extension.

βœ”οΈ To load the extension in Google Chrome, please follow these steps:

  1. Open your Chrome browser and navigate to chrome://extensions/.
  2. If it isn't already enabled, toggle on the Developer mode. The switch button is located at the top-right corner.
  3. Click on the Load unpacked button.
  4. Browse to the flowcrypt-browser/build folder and select the appropriate project version, either chrome-consumer or chrome-enterprise.

βœ”οΈ To load the extension in Firefox, please follow these steps:

  1. Open your Firefox browser and navigate to about:debugging.
  2. Click on the This Firefox tab.
  3. Click on the Load Temporary Add-on button located at the top-right corner.
  4. Browse to the flowcrypt-browser/build folder, open the firefox-consumer project version folder, and select the manifest.json file.

If you wish, you can also use the run_firefox script (npm run run_firefox) included in the package.json file to run the Firefox extension in a separate instance without interfering with the production extension installed in your browser.

Printing debug data to test logs can be accomplished using a special Debug class.

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