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Official .NET Library for Flutterwave v2 APIs

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Flutterwave .NET Library

Build Status Nuget Nuget


The Flutterwave .NET SDK makes it easy to add our payment features to your .NET web applications.


The Flutterwave .NET Library implements the following payment services:

  1. Card Payments
  2. Bank Account Payments.
  3. Mobile Money Payments.
  4. Bank Transfer (NGN).
  5. Subscriptions.
  6. Virtual Cards.

The Library also implements the following features:

  1. Tokeniztion
  2. Subaccounts
  3. Currencies.
  4. Pre-Authorisation.
  5. Refunds.


  • .NET 4.5 or later



  1. Add all relevant modules
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Rave.Models.MobileMoney;
using Rave.Models.VirtualCard;
using Rave.Models.Subaccount;
using Rave.Models.Tokens;
using Rave.Models;
using Rave.Models.Charge;
using Rave.Models.Account;
using Rave.Models.Card;
using Rave.Models.Validation;
using NUnit.Framework;
  1. Pass Public and Secret keys as variables for configuration.
private static string PbKey = "pass your public key here"
private static string ScKey = "pass your secret key here"
var raveConfig = new RaveConfig(PbKey, SCKey, false);


Card Payments

This implements Card payments for Pin, 3D-Secure, VBV and PreAuth transactions.


  1. Complete basic configuration following the configuration steps.

  2. Configure the card charge

var cardCharge = new ChargeCard(raveConfig);
  1. Pass Card parameters as payload. The payload should contain:
  • Public key
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Amount
  • Card details.

These card details include:

  • Card number
  • CVV
  • Expiry month
  • Expiry year
  • Trans Ref
`var Payload = new CardParams(PbKey, "Anonymous", "Customer", "", 2100){ cardNo = "5438898014560229", Cvv = "789", Expirymonth = "09", Expiryyear = "19", TxRef = tranxRef}
  1. Charge card.
var cha = cardCharge.Charge(Payload).Result;
  1. Pass Pin and OTP to complete the Transaction
 if (cha.Message == "AUTH_SUGGESTION" && cha.Data.SuggestedAuth == "PIN")
                cardParams.Pin = "3310";
                cardParams.Otp = "12345";
                cardParams.SuggestedAuth = "PIN";
                cha = cardCharge.Charge(Payload).Result;

The complete card charge and validation flow:

    class Program
        private static string tranxRef = "454839";
        private static string PbKey = "";
        private static string ScKey = "";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var raveConfig = new RaveConfig(PbKey, ScKey, false);
            var cardCharge = new CardCharge(raveConfig);

            var Payload = new CardChargeParams(PbKey, "Anonymous", "Customer", "", 2100)
            { CardNo = "5438898014560229", Cvv = "789", Expirymonth = "09", Expiryyear = "19", TxRef = tranxRef }
            var cha = cardCharge.Charge(cardParams).Result;

            if (cha.Message == "AUTH_SUGGESTION" && cha.Data.SuggestedAuth == "PIN")
                cardParams.Pin = "3310";
                cardParams.Otp = "12345";
                cardParams.SuggestedAuth = "PIN";
                cha = cardCharge.Charge(Payload).Result;


Account Payments

This implements direct debit transactions from Bank accounts.


  1. Complete basic configuration following the configuration steps.

  2. Configure the Account charge

var accountCharge = new ChargeAccount(raveConfig);
  1. Pass Account parameters as payload. The payload should contain:
  • Public key
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Account number
  • Amount
  • Bank code.
  • Currency (NGN)
  • Trans Ref
var Payload = new AccountParams(PbKey, "Anonymous", "customer", "", "0690000031", 1000.00m, "044", "NGN", "MC-0292920");
  1. Charge Account.
var chargeResponse = await accountCharge.Charge(accountParams);

if (chargeResponse.Data.Status == "success-pending-validation")
      // This usually means the user needs to validate the transaction with an OTP
      accountParams.Otp = "12345";
      chargeResponse = accountCharge.Charge(accountParams).Result;


The complete card charge and validation flow:

class Program
        private static string tranxRef = "454839";
        private static string PbKey = "";
        private static string ScKey = "";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var raveConfig = new RaveConfig(recurringPbKey, recurringScKey, false);
            var accountCharge = new ChargeAccount(raveConfig);

            var Payload = new AccountParams(PbKey, "Anonymous", "customer", "", "0690000031", 1000.00m, "044", "MC-0292920");
            var chargeResponse = await accountCharge.Charge(accountParams);

            if (chargeResponse.Data.Status == "success-pending-validation")
                // This usually means the user needs to validate the transaction with an OTP
                accountParams.Otp = "12345";
                chargeResponse = accountCharge.Charge(accountParams).Result;



Mobile Money Payments

This implements Mpesa, Ghana, Uganda, Zambia and Rwanda Mobile money transactions for customers.


  1. Complete basic configuration following the configuration steps.

  2. Configure the Mobile money charge

var mobilemoney = new ChargeMobileMoney(raveConfig);
  1. Pass mobile money parameters as payload. The payload should contain:
  • Public key
  • Secret key
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Mobile number
  • Network
  • Country
  • Payment Type
  • Trans Ref
var Payload = new MobileMoneyParams(PbKey, ScKey, "Anonymous", "customer", "",  1055, "GHS", "054709929220", "network", "country", "paymentType", "MC-0292920");

The payload parameters differ for different countries, currencies and payment types.

Country Payment Type Country code Currency Network
Ghana mobilemoneygh GH GHS MTN, VODAFONE, TIGO
Kenya mpesa KE KES
Rwanda mobilemoneygh NG RWF RWF
Zambia mobilemoneyzambia NG ZMW MTN
Uganda mobilemoneyuganda UG UGX UGX
  1. Carry out mobile money charge
var cha = mobilemoney.Charge(Payload).Result;

The Complete flow for mobile money charge:

class Program
        private static string tranxRef = "454839";
        private static string PbKey = "";
        private static string ScKey = "";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var raveConfig = new RaveConfig(recurringPbKey, recurringScKey, false);
            var mobilemoney = new ChargeMobileMoney(raveConfig);

            var Payload = new MobileMoneyParams(PbKey, ScKey, "Anonymous", "customer", "",  1055, "GHS", "054709929220", "MTN", "GH", "mobilemoneygh", tranxRef);
            var cha = mobilemoney.Charge(Payload).Result;

Bank Transfers

This shows how to create an account number for customers to pay you with using the pay with bank transfer feature.


Static Accounts:

   var virtualacct = new VirtualAccount();
   var virtualaccountparams = new VirtualAccountParams(narration, ScKey, email, reference);
   var chargeResponse = virtuala.CreateStaticVirtualAccount(virtualaccountparams);

Transaction Accounts:

    var virtuala = new VirtualAccount();
    var virtualaccountparams = new VirtualAccountParams(narration, ScKey, email, reference, amount);
    var chargeResponse = virtuala.CreateTransactionVirtualAccount(virtualaccountparams);

Duration Accounts:

    var virtuala = new VirtualAccount();
    var virtualaccountparams = new VirtualAccountParams(frequency, durtion, narration, ScKey, email, ref, amount);
    var chargeResponse = virtuala.CreateTransactionVirtualAccount(virtualaccountparams);


This API allows you to create and update a new Ebills order.


Create Ebills:

    var ebillscreate = new CreateOrder();
    var ebillscreateparams = new EbillsCreateRequestParams(currency, numberofunits, narraction, ScKey, email, amount, phonenumber, txRef, IP);
    var chargeResponse = ebillscreate.doCreateOrder(ebillscreateparams);

Update Ebills:

      var ebillsupdate = new UpdateOrder();
      var ebillsupdateparams = new EbillsUpdateRequestParams(currency, ScKey, amount, flwref");
      var chargeResponse = ebillsupdate.doUpdateOrder(ebillsupdateparams);


This implements Card tokenization for Pin, 3D-Secure, VBV and NoAuth cards.


  1. Complete basic configuration following the configuration steps.

  2. Charge the card using instructions from the Card charge section of the documentation.

  3. Configure the tokenized card

var tokenCard = new Tokenize(raveConfig);
  1. Pass tokenized card parameters as payload. The payload should contain:
  • Secret key
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • Transaction ref
  • Amount
  • currency
  • embed token
  • Narration
var Payload = new TokensParams(ScKey, "Anonymous", "Customer", "", tranxref, 2100, "NGN", "NG"){ Token = "flw-t1nf-139d69763063262928b77bc1f4fba199-m03k", Narration = "Test"};
  1. Make tokenized charge.
var tokenResponse = tokenCard.Charge(tokenparam).Result;

The complete tokenized card charge:

    class Program
        private static string tranxRef = "454839";
        private static string PbKey = "";
        private static string ScKey = "";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var raveConfig = new RaveConfig(PbKey, ScKey, false);
            var cardCharge = new CardCharge(raveConfig);

            var Payload = new TokensParams(ScKey, "Anonymous", "Customer", "", tranxref, 2100, "NGN", "NG"){ Token = "flw-t1nf-139d69763063262928b77bc1f4fba199-m03k", Narration = "Test"};
            var tokenResponse = tokenCard.Charge(tokenparam).Result;



This implements subaccount creation for split payments.


  1. Complete basic configuration following the configuration steps.

  2. Configure the SubAccount

var subacc = new CreateSubAccount(raveConfig);
  1. Pass tokenized card parameters as payload. The payload should contain:
  • Secret key
  • Account Bank
  • Account number
  • Business Name
  • Business Email
  • Business contact
  • Business contact mobile
var payload = new SubAccountParams(ScKey, "0690000031", "0690000031", "TEST BUSINESS", "", "0900000000", "0900000000");

please note that the same value can be passed as business contact and business contact number.

  1. Create the Subaccount.
var chargeResponse = subacc.Charge(payload).Result;

The complete subaccount creation flow:

    class Program
        private static string tranxRef = "454839";
        private static string PbKey = "";
        private static string ScKey = "";
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var raveConfig = new RaveConfig(PbKey, ScKey, false);
            var subacc = new CreateSubAccount(raveConfig);

            var payload = new SubAccountParams(ScKey, "0690000031", "0690000031", "TEST BUSINESS", "", "0900000000", "0900000000");
            var chargeResponse = subacc.Charge(payload).Result;



For further assistance in using the SDK, you can contact the Developers on Slack and Email. You can also check out some awesome Beta features here.


Official .NET Library for Flutterwave v2 APIs






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  • C# 99.2%
  • Smalltalk 0.8%