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Fixture for chemical transport scenarios


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GEOS CTM Fixture

How to build GEOS CTM

Preliminary Steps

Load Build Modules

In your .bashrc or .tcshrc or other rc file add a line:

module use -a /discover/swdev/gmao_SIteam/modulefiles-SLES12
module use -a /nobackup/gmao_SIteam/modulefiles
GMAO Desktops

On the GMAO desktops, the SI Team modulefiles should automatically be part of running module avail but if not, they are in:

module use -a /ford1/share/gmao_SIteam/modulefiles

Also do this in any interactive window you have. This allows you to get module files needed to correctly checkout and build the model.

Now load the GEOSenv module:

module load GEOSenv

which obtains the latest git, CMake, and mepo modules.

Obtain the Model

On GitHub, there are three ways to clone the model: SSH, HTTPS, or GitHub CLI. The first two are "git protocols" which determine how git communicates with GitHub: either through https or ssh. (The latter is a CLI that uses either ssh or https protocol underneath.)

For developers of GEOS, the SSH git protocol is recommended as it can avoid some issues if two-factor authentication (2FA) is enabled on GitHub.


To clone the GEOSctm using the SSH url (starts with, you run:

git clone
Permission denied (publickey)

If this is your first time using GitHub with any SSH URL, you might get this error:

Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

If you do see this, you need to upload an ssh key to your GitHub account. This needs to be done on any machine that you want to use the SSH URL through.


To clone the model through HTTPS you run:

git clone

Note that if you use the HTTPS URL and have 2FA set up on GitHub, you will need to use personal access tokens as a password.

GitHub CLI

You can also use the GitHub CLI with:

gh repo clone GEOS-ESM/GEOSctm

Note that when you first use gh, it will ask what your preferred git protocol is (https or ssh) to use "underneath". The caveats above will apply to whichever you choose.

Single Step Building of the Model

If all you wish is to build the model, you can run parallel_build.csh from a head node. Doing so will checkout all the external repositories of the model and build it. When done, the resulting model build will be found in build/ and the installation will be found in install/ with setup scripts like ctm_setup in install/bin.

Debug Version of GEOS

To obtain a debug version, you can run parallel_build.csh -debug which will build with debugging flags. This will build in build-Debug/ and install into install-Debug/.

Multiple Steps for Building the Model

The steps detailed below are essentially those that parallel_build.csh performs for you. Either method should yield identical builds.


The GEOS CTM is comprised of a set of sub-repositories. These are managed by a tool called mepo. To clone all the sub-repos, you can run mepo clone inside the fixture:

cd GEOSctm
mepo clone

The first command initializes the multi-repository and the second one clones and assembles all the sub-repositories according to components.yaml

Build the Model

Load Compiler, MPI Stack, and Baselibs

On tcsh:

source @env/g5_modules

or on bash:

source @env/
Create Build Directory

We currently do not allow in-source builds of GEOSctm. So we must make a directory:

mkdir build

The advantages of this is that you can build both a Debug and Release version with the same clone if desired.

Run CMake

CMake generates the Makefiles needed to build the model.

cd build

This will install to a directory parallel to your build directory. If you prefer to install elsewhere change the path in:


and CMake will install there.

Build and Install with Make
make -jN install

where N is the number of parallel processes. On discover head nodes, this should only be as high as 2 due to limits on the head nodes. On a compute node, you can set N has high as you like, though 8-12 is about the limit of parallelism in our model's make system.

Run the CTM

Once the model has built successfully, you will have an install/ directory in your checkout. To run ctm_setup go to the install/bin/ directory and run it there:

cd install/bin


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All files are currently licensed under the Apache-2.0 license, see LICENSE.

Previously, the code was licensed under the NASA Open Source Agreement, Version 1.3.