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Handling Data with stata.

STATA offers high profile data management capabilities which can be usefull for anay data analyst.In this tutorial we are going to handle various ways we can use to solve problems relating data.


Getting the data into the stata working session.

For a faster view into how to ingest data into stata you can see this post.As for this one I will quickly ingest system data here quickly.

. sysuse auto.dta,clear
(1978 Automobile Data)

Viewing the dataset.

In STATA once you have loaded your dataset you can get a view of your dataset by running the list comand.Further you can specify how many rows by adding in 1/number of rows comand where the ��number of rows us an integer representing the number of observations.��

. list in 1/5 //lists the first five rows of data

     | make            price   mpg   rep78   headroom   trunk   weight   length   turn   displa~t   gear_r~o    foreign |
  1. | AMC Concord     4,099    22       3        2.5      11    2,930      186     40        121       3.58   Domestic |
  2. | AMC Pacer       4,749    17       3        3.0      11    3,350      173     40        258       2.53   Domestic |
  3. | AMC Spirit      3,799    22       .        3.0      12    2,640      168     35        121       3.08   Domestic |
  4. | Buick Century   4,816    20       3        4.5      16    3,250      196     40        196       2.93   Domestic |
  5. | Buick Electra   7,827    15       4        4.0      20    4,080      222     43        350       2.41   Domestic |

The browse and edit commmands can also be used to to open an interactive data viewing and editing modes respectively in stata pop up windows.

browse //opens stata data browser window
edit // opens stata data editor window

Also note that in the data editor window you can rename your variable.

Dataset Structure.

For a quick glimpse into the dataset structure you can run the describe command.This gives you information on how variables are stored in STATA

. describe

Contains data from C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata13\ado\base/a/auto.dta
  obs:            74                          1978 Automobile Data
 vars:            12                          13 Apr 2013 17:45
 size:         3,182                          (_dta has notes)
              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
make            str18   %-18s                 Make and Model
price           int     %8.0gc                Price
mpg             int     %8.0g                 Mileage (mpg)
rep78           int     %8.0g                 Repair Record 1978
headroom        float   %6.1f                 Headroom (in.)
trunk           int     %8.0g                 Trunk space (cu. ft.)
weight          int     %8.0gc                Weight (lbs.)
length          int     %8.0g                 Length (in.)
turn            int     %8.0g                 Turn Circle (ft.)
displacement    int     %8.0g                 Displacement (cu. in.)
gear_ratio      float   %6.2f                 Gear Ratio
foreign         byte    %8.0g      origin     Car type
Sorted by:  foreign

We can see that the data has 74 observations and 12 features.The variable names ate also given and their labels alongside storage types.

For a more refined detail about the dataset you are working with in stata ,codebook can be of great help in stata.When followed with a specific variable name the codebook returns infomation only concerning the variable else all

. codebook price 

price                                                                                                                                                 Price

                  type:  numeric (int)

                 range:  [3291,15906]                 units:  1
         unique values:  74                       missing .:  0/74

                  mean:   6165.26
              std. dev:    2949.5

           percentiles:        10%       25%       50%       75%       90%
                              3895      4195    5006.5      6342     11385

Selecting Observations

4.1  The in method

In stata we are able to select observations using the in method which specifies the number of observations we need in a given range.

For example.

. list price in 40/45 

     |  price |
 40. |  4,195 |
 41. | 10,371 |
 42. |  4,647 |
 43. |  4,425 |
 44. |  4,482 |
 45. |  6,486 |

Lists 40th to 45th observations in the price variable in our dataset.In case of negative numbers STATA will return observations from the end.

The in keyword can also accept leters for example if you are intrested of viewing the last 5 (tail) observations of your dataset you can just tipe the code below.

. list in -5/L

     | make           price   mpg   rep78   headroom   trunk   weight   length   turn   displa~t   gear_r~o   foreign |
 70. | VW Dasher      7,140    23       4        2.5      12    2,160      172     36         97       3.74   Foreign |
 71. | VW Diesel      5,397    41       5        3.0      15    2,040      155     35         90       3.78   Foreign |
 72. | VW Rabbit      4,697    25       4        3.0      15    1,930      155     35         89       3.78   Foreign |
 73. | VW Scirocco    6,850    25       4        2.0      16    1,990      156     36         97       3.78   Foreign |
 74. | Volvo 260     11,995    17       5        2.5      14    3,170      193     37        163       2.98   Foreign |

4.2  Selecting Data by condition if

This is used in cases where a dataset needs to be split into multiple files.Lets say you want to devide the dataset into two groups namely foreign or domestic or if its demographic data and you want males and females separated.

Lets see miles per galon of the domestic cars that have a price greater than 15000 .

. list mpg if foreign == 0 & price > 12000

     | mpg |
 12. |  14 |
 13. |  21 |
 27. |  12 |
 28. |  14 |

Only four cars meet the condition set above.The & opperator makes stata to check if both conditions are met then scrapes off the data that satisfies it.Its important to note that in this dataset ,the label domestic was coded 0 and 1 for foreign

Missing Data

To check any missing data in stata ,we can run the if missing comand as shown below.

. list if missing()

We can see that there is no missing information from the data above.

Within the missing parentheses ,a particular variable can be added to specify where the missing data is being sought.

Also before the missing if command,a list of variable can be specified.

. list mpg rep78 trunk if missing(gear_ratio)

The code above tells stata to return observations in the mpg,rep and trunk variables where missing values are found.

Descriptive Statistics

So what information is comtained in that dataset you are using?To get a quick glimpse of the summary statistics,You can run the summary command in the console.

The summary command can be specified with a variable/variables infront of it,to summarize all the variables,it should be left empty.

Note also that the summarize command can be shortened as sum and still the summary is gotten.

. summarize rep78 foreign

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
       rep78 |        69    3.405797    .9899323          1          5
     foreign |        74    .2972973    .4601885          0          1

Merging datasets

To merge datsets ,we call the merge command and specify which columns to use for merging.

Merge has so many options to choose from.

  1. One-to-one merging;

  2. Many-to-one merging

  3. One-to-many merging

  4. Many-to-many merging

  5. One-to-one merging by specified observation

Merge produces a new variable ,_merge,containing ,numeric codes concerning the source and the cotents of each observation in the merged dataset.

. use "C:\Users\RuralNet011\Desktop\datascience\analysis\StataTest\Question 1 Stata Files\11.dta", clear

. // 1:1 merging
. merge 1:1 partid using "C:\Users\RuralNet011\Desktop\datascience\analysis\StataTest\Question 1 Stata Files\12.dta"
(note: variable TimeStamp was str15, now str16 to accommodate using data's values)

    Result                           # of obs.
    not matched                             0
    matched                               395  (_merge==3)

Dropping variables and observations.

At sompoint we may need to drop some varibles or observations in a data set.This is majorly caused by overprescence of missing vaulues or maybe the ate not just needed for analysis.Lets see how to work out this.

8.1  Variables

To drop a variable we use drop command followed with the variable names list.Below i am dropning the price variable.

. sysuse auto.dta ,clear
(1978 Automobile Data)

. drop price

8.2  Observations.

To drop an observation,we use an if and/or in qualifier after the drop command.

By using logical operators you can specify more than one condition for dropping observations.

Below i am going to drop observations where the variable foreign column is domestic and price is greater than $ 6000.

. sysuse auto.dta ,clear
(1978 Automobile Data)

. drop if foreign == 1 & price > 6000
(9 observations deleted)

And we can see that 9 observations are deleted.As mentioned above whe can use in to specify the number of observations to delete.

Below am dropping 5 observations from the dataset.

. drop in 1/5
(5 observations deleted)

8.3  Using keep.

By using keep,you are telling stata to drop all variables except those that are specified or by using an if and/or in expression.

. // keeping only price,mpg and foreign variables 
. keep price mpg foreign

. list in 1/5

     |  price   mpg    foreign |
  1. |  5,788    18   Domestic |
  2. |  4,453    26   Domestic |
  3. |  5,189    20   Domestic |
  4. | 10,372    16   Domestic |
  5. |  4,082    19   Domestic |

. // Deleting 19 observations
. keep in 10
(59 observations deleted)

. list 

     | price   mpg    foreign |
  1. | 5,705    16   Domestic |

. // keeping observation by condition
. keep if price > 2000
(0 observations deleted)

. list

     | price   mpg    foreign |
  1. | 5,705    16   Domestic |


Setting my feet into the STATA world






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