🐣 I started in web development in October 2020;
I completed the development course from Trybe in April 2022;
I worked at ProFusion, from May 2022 to September 2023;
At the moment, I have been undergoing a Bachelor of Information Technology in UNIVESP since June 2022;
🌎 I have been trying to improve my English. I am currently at a B1 level of English.
💪 I always try to put my knowledge into practice;
📈 I use the repositories on this page to post my personal projects and the projects I develop while studying;
📫 How to reach me: gonzagadaviddev@gmail.com
Pinned Loading
rick-and-morty PublicRick and Morty application with information this animation fun, developed to practice React TS, Material UI, Apollo client and graphql client side
appointment-calendar-fullstack PublicAplicação full stack desenvolvida usando React TS, Typescript, Express, Json Web Token, Axios e Context-API, com o objetivo de proporcionar a pessoa usuária de forma visual o controle de prazos e …
TypeScript 3
calendar-json-api PublicThe Calendar JSON API can be used to provide you with a calendar formatted as a 2D array. For that, you may choose to query for the selected month, or the selected year, as explained in the endpoin…
priority-list-fullstack PublicAplicação desenvolvida com React js, Redux, Express e MongoDB, tendo como proposito otimizar a organização e produtividade das pessoas. De forma visual, a pessoa poderá organizar sua lista de taref…
JavaScript 13
JavaScript-Matrix PublicProjeto desenvolvido com Javascript, onde o que a pessoa usuária escrever na tela será renderizado em matrix, sendo essa renderização feita através do código javascript de acordo com o tamanho do v…
JavaScript 13
322 contributions in the last year
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