PELoader implement various shellcode injection techniques, and use libpeconv library to load encrypted PE files instead of injecting shellcode into remote thread.
Following techniques were implemented:
- Module Stomping (LoadLibrary)
- Module Stomping (NtMapViewOfSection) (PoC)
- Transacted Hollowing (PoC)
- Ghostly Hollowing (PoC)
- Herpaderply Hollowing(PoC)
- NtMapViewOfSection (RWX-RW-RX)
- NtAllocateVirtualMemory (RW-RX)
Credits: most of my work was based on @hasherezade's PoC scripts.
PELoader was tested on Windows 10 with Cortex XDR / SentinalOne / Windows Defender / CrowdStrike, and Windows Defender / CrowdStrike detected Transacted Hollowing techniques. Characteristics of each techniques were tested with a memory scanner tool Moneta from @forrest-orr.
Module Stomping (LoadLibrary)
Call LoadLibrary to load a legitimate DLL. Overwrite DLL with payload
- payload mapped as MEM_IMAGE which looks legitimate for EXE or DLL
- impersonating a legitimate DLL
- Sections mapped with original access rights (no RWX)
Module Stomping (NtMapViewOfSection)
Call NtCreateSection to create file mapping object (PAGE_READONLY) for a legitimate DLL, and call NtMapViewOfSection to map it to current process. Overwrite the DLL with payload.
- payload mapped as MEM_IMAGE which looks legitimate for EXE or DLL
- impersonating a legitimate DLL
- Sections mapped with original access rights (no RWX)
- Not connected to the list of modules (invisible for Module32First/Module32Next)
- Not connected to the list of modules (check "Missing PEB module" in bellow Moneta's scanning result)
reference to @hasherezade's PoC.
Transacted Hollowing
A hybrid between Process Hollowing and Process Doppelgänging. Create “invisible” file within the NTFS transaction and write payload into the file. Map section to current process and execute it.
- Payload mapped as MEM_IMAGE
- Sections mapped with original access rights (no RWX)
- dummy file not necessary to be exist
- Detection if there is TxF activity monitoring
Ghostly Hollowing
A hybrid between Process Hollowing and Process Ghosting. Create a file with delete pending state and write payload into the file. Map section to current process and execute it.
- Payload mapped as MEM_IMAGE
- Sections mapped with original access rights (no RWX)
- Avoid “System Idle Process” without any image path (IOC of process ghosting)
- Dummy file created on disk
reference to @hasherezade's PoC.
NtMapViewOfSection (RWX-RW-RX)
Call NtCreateSection to create memory section (RWX). Call NtMapViewOfSection map a view to current process (RWX). Call VirtualProtect to change protection to RW. Copy shellcode to mapped section. Change protection to RX and execute it.
- Payload mapped as MEM_MAPPED to avoid MEM_PRIVATE which is common in malware
- Set memory page to RWX protection at initial stage
- abnormal mapped EXE memory with RX protection
NtAllocateVirtualMemory (RW-RX)
Call NtAllocateVirtualMemory to allocate memory (RW). Copy shellcode to memory. Change protection to RX and execute it.
- avoid RWX memory page
- staging shellcode to memory page with private type MEM_PRIVATE
- abnormal private EXE memory with RX protection
AES Encrypt Payload
Convert PE file to shellcode with pe_to_shellcode and encrypted with PELoader
cmd> .\pe2shc.exe mimikatz.exe
Reading module from: mimikatz.exe
[WARNING] This is a console application! The recommended subsystem is GUI.
[+] Saved as: mimikatz.shc.exe
cmd> set hagrid=enc mimikatz.shc.exe
cmd> .\PELoader.exe
argument: enc mimikatz.shc.exe
Encrypting File
PE Execution
Set argument to environment variable "hagrid" and execute PELoader
cmd> set hagrid=cdll mimikatz.shc.exe.enc
cmd> .\PELoader.exe version
argument: cdll mimikatz.shc.exe.enc
Classic DLL Hollowing
[*] target dll: C:\WINDOWS\system32\aadtb.dll
[*] implant dll: mimikatz.shc.exe.enc
[*] Loading the DLL (using LoadLibary, classic DLL hollowing)...
[*] Overwriting the mapping
[*] Module Overloading finished...
[*] Executing Implant's Entry Point: 7ff8cf9d7578
[*] Executing Implant as EXE
.#####. mimikatz 2.2.0 (x64) #19041 Aug 10 2021 17:19:53
.## ^ ##. "A La Vie, A L'Amour" - (oe.eo)
## / \ ## /*** Benjamin DELPY `gentilkiwi` ( )
## \ / ## >
'## v ##' Vincent LE TOUX ( )
'#####' > / ***/
mimikatz(commandline) # version
mimikatz 2.2.0 (arch x64)
Windows NT 10.0 build 19043 (arch x64)
msvc 150030729 207
mimikatz #
- @forrest-orr made a detailed comparison on variations of shellcode implant in this article
- @dglenx moved the concept to remote process injection and suggest a couple of ways to address IOCs in this article