A shareable Prettier configuration by Harshal Katakiya, with built-in support for Tailwind CSS and a simple CLI setup command to quickly integrate Prettier into your projects.
- 📖 Introduction
- 🌟 Features
- 🚀 Installation & Usage
- 📜 Scripts
- ⚙️ Configuration Options
- 🤝 Contributing
- 📄 License
- 👤 Author
is a shareable Prettier configuration designed to provide consistent code formatting across projects.
✅ Opinionated rules for clean, readable, and maintainable code.
🌀 Built-in Tailwind CSS support via prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
⚡ Easy CLI setup – installs dependencies, creates configs, and updates package.json
📜 Prettier scripts for easy formatting and validation.
Whether you’re starting a new project or integrating Prettier into an existing one, this package streamlines your setup process.
✔ Pre-configured Prettier Rules – Opinionated defaults for better readability.
🎨 Tailwind CSS Support – Formats Tailwind classes with prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
⚡ Automatic Setup – One command sets up everything in seconds.
📂 Project Type Detection – Generates prettier.config.ts
(TypeScript) or prettier.config.js
🛠 Customizable – Extend or override the base configuration.
🚀 Modern & Up-to-Date – Works with the latest Prettier and Tailwind CSS versions.
The simplest way to set up Prettier with this configuration is to use the CLI command. Run the following in your project root:
npx @harshalkatakiya/prettier-config add
✅ Prompts for Tailwind CSS support and applies the appropriate configuration.
🔄 Installs dependencies (prettier
, @harshalkatakiya/prettier-config
, and prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
if needed).
📂 Generates configuration files (prettier.config.js
and .prettierignore
📜 Updates package.json
scripts to include prettier
After setup:
Check your generatedprettier.config.js
. Update paths if needed.
If you prefer manual installation, follow these steps:
npm install --save-dev prettier @harshalkatakiya/prettier-config prettier-plugin-tailwindcss
Without Tailwind CSS:
import baseConfig from '@harshalkatakiya/prettier-config'; export default { ...baseConfig };
With Tailwind CSS (v3):
import baseConfig from '@harshalkatakiya/prettier-config'; export default { ...baseConfig, plugins: ['prettier-plugin-tailwindcss'], tailwindConfig: './tailwind.config.js', tailwindFunctions: ['cn'] };
With Tailwind CSS (v4):
import baseConfig from '@harshalkatakiya/prettier-config'; export default { ...baseConfig, plugins: ['prettier-plugin-tailwindcss'], tailwindStylesheet: './src/app/globals.css', // update this path yo your main CSS file tailwindFunctions: ['cn'] };
"scripts": {
"prettier:check": "prettier -c .",
"prettier": "prettier -w -u ."
The following scripts are added to your package.json
Command | Description |
npm run prettier |
Formats all files in the project. |
npm run prettier:check |
Checks for unformatted code. |
This package comes with the following Prettier rules pre-configured:
Option | Value | Description |
experimentalTernaries |
true |
Enables experimental ternary formatting. |
printWidth |
80 |
The maximum line width. |
tabWidth |
2 |
Number of spaces per indentation level. |
useTabs |
false |
Use spaces for indentation. |
semi |
true |
Add semicolons at the end of statements. |
singleQuote |
true |
Use single quotes instead of double quotes. |
quoteProps |
as-needed |
Quote object properties only when required. |
jsxSingleQuote |
true |
Use single quotes in JSX. |
trailingComma |
none |
Do not add trailing commas. |
bracketSpacing |
true |
Add spaces between brackets in object literals. |
bracketSameLine |
true |
Keep the closing bracket of a JSX element on the same line. |
arrowParens |
always |
Always include parentheses in arrow functions. |
singleAttributePerLine |
false |
Allow multiple attributes on a single line. |
embeddedLanguageFormatting |
auto |
Automatically format embedded languages. |
Tailwind-specific settings (if enabled):
Tailwind CSS v3:
plugins: ["prettier-plugin-tailwindcss"], tailwindConfig: "./tailwind.config.js", tailwindFunctions: ["cn"]
Tailwind CSS v4:
plugins: ["prettier-plugin-tailwindcss"], tailwindStylesheet: "./src/app/globals.css", // update this path yo your main CSS file tailwindFunctions: ["cn"]
💡 Want to contribute? Open an issue or submit a PR on the GitHub repository.
1️⃣ Fork the repository.
2️⃣ Create a new branch for your feature or fix.
3️⃣ Commit your changes with a descriptive message.
4️⃣ Open a pull request and describe your changes.
This package is licensed under the MIT License.
- GitHub: @Harshalkatakiya
- Email: katakiyaharshl001@gmail.com
- NPM: @harshalkatakiya
🌟 Enjoy clean and consistent code with @harshalkatakiya/prettier-config
! 😊