Frontend for subreddit scraper intended to ease browsing the hottest Reddit memes.
Is a REST API with two GET endpoints /memes
and /memes/sources
Currently, the backend part of this project is not publicly available. This might change in the future.
Backend URL address can be changed in axios integration file.
axios.defaults.baseURL = '';
Provides website content as an array of 'posts'.
Expects filters
parameter query with subreddits specified by sources endpoint separated by commas.
The filters parameter a white-list used to specify what subreddits should be included in the response.
"name": [string],
"link": [string, url],
"image": [string, url],
"created": [numeric, utc-unix-timestamp],
"score": [numeric],
"source": {
"id": [string],
"icon": [string, url],
"url": [string, url]
Provides a list of subreddits user can filter by.
Guide how to set up development environment on your local machine.
Clone the repository locally. Navigation to Git folder just an example, use your workspace folder instead. This creates a directory named "HeBaSoft" with sub-folder 'Memes' and clones the repository. If you don't have Git installed on your machine, you can download the repository archive instead.
cd ~/Git git clone HeBaSoft/Memes
This expect you to have NodeJS installed on your machine alongside a package manager like npm or yarn. Skip this step if you already have it.
Download installer for your platform of choice here
Install project packages.
npm install
Start local development server
npm run dev
Guide how to build the project from source.
Open terminal in project root and run build command.
npm run build
Guide how to build and deploy the project to website hosting service via FTP.
Build script expects some environment variables are used to configure FTP upload. Create .env file in project root and define following variables.
Open terminal in project root and run deploy command.
npm run deploy