This project demonstrate how to use Mire d'autorisation for helloasso partner
To run this project, you will need:
- PHP (preferably version 7.4 or higher)
- Composer (for dependency management)
- MySQL (or any compatible SQL database if you modify the config)
First, clone the repository to your local machine or server:
git clone
cd mire-autorisation-sample
Install the necessary PHP dependencies using Composer:
composer install
Edit .env file to match your local environment
If the application uses a SQL database, execute the SQL migrations provided to set up the initial tables:
php migration/run.php
Once configured, you can start the application with PHP's built-in server:
php -S localhost:8000 -t public
Access the application through your web browser:
Optionally Secure the Application with HTTPS (using ngrok) For local HTTPS testing, use ngrok to expose your local environment with a secure SSL tunnel:
ngrok http 8000
This command will create a secure HTTPS tunnel to your localhost server on port 8000. Make sure your application is running on the specified port, or adjust the port number in the command accordingly.
The application uses Monolog for logging. Monolog is configured to log messages and errors based on the environment configuration provided in .env. This allows for easy monitoring and debugging of the application's behavior, especially during development or in production environments. By default log could be found on log.txt