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Cassie RL for Versatile Walking Skill

This repository is an example code for bipedal locomotion control using reinforcement learning introduced in the paper ''Reinforcement Learning for Versatile, Dynamic, and Robust Bipedal Locomotion Control''. This uses a person-sized bipedal robot, Cassie, as an example, and a checkpoint of trained walking controller for Cassie is also provided for testing and evaluation in simulation.

The policy can control the robot to track varying commands in [sagittal_velocity, lateral_velocity, walking_height, turning_yaw_rate] and also switching between walking and standing.

Warning: Although the provided checkpoint can be transferred to Cassie's hardware, deploying it is at your own risk. We do not assume responsibility for any potential damage.

Special Note: This is an "old" codebase for RL locomotion control for Cassie — it was developed before the era of GPU-accelerated simulators in RL. It is built on a CPU-based simulator and a CPU-based learning framework. The good thing is that it doesn't require a high-end GPU to run. However, training it requires a CPU server (>16 cores) and is quite slow.

Why not GPU? While training can utilize a GPU, accurately simulating Cassie with a closed-loop kinematic chain, including the passive spring-driven tarsus and shin joints, is currently best supported in MuJoCo, which was CPU-based at the time. Copying simulated data from the CPU to the GPU is also costly. Therefore, this codebase is CPU-centered.

Getting Started


We test our codes under the following environment:

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • Python 3.7.16
  • Tensorflow 1.15
  • MuJoCo 2.1.0
  • The RL library is openai baselines.
  1. Install MuJoCo:
  • Download MuJoCo 210 from HERE
  • Extract the downloaded mujoco210 directory into ~/.mujoco/mujoco210.
  • Add this to bashrc or export: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/.mujoco/mujoco210/bin
  1. Create an environment, say named cassie-rl, for python<3.8:
  • conda create -n cassie-rl python=3.7
  • conda activate cassie-rl
  1. Clone this repository.
  • git clone --recurse-submodules
  • cd cassie_rl_walking
  1. Install the dependencies and setup the enviornments
  • pip install -e . (it will install tensorflow=1.15)
  1. Install openai baselines which is included as a submodule.
  • cd external/baselines
  • pip install -e .
  • cd ../..


  1. Environment configurations

    You can play around the parameters for the environment in configs/ The parameters in this config file will be passed to the environment.

    For example, to test a single fixed command, set:

    • "fixed_gait": True
    • change the command you want to test in "fixed_gait_cmd"

    To test all range of command, set:

    • "fixed_gait": False
    • "add_rotation": True to also include turning command

    To include standing during episode, set:

    • "add_standing": True

    To add dynamics randomization, set:

    • "minimal_rand": False to add full range of dynamics randomization
    • is_noisy: True to add noise to observation
    • add_perturbation: False to add external perturbation wrench to the robot base (pelvis)
  2. Executables are under cassie_rl_walking/exe

  3. Test a policy:

    • cd cassie_rl_walking/exe
    • ./

    Change the --test_model in ./ to the model you want to test. You can play around the environemt configs as descrived before

  4. Train a policy:

    • cd cassie_rl_walking/exe
    • ./

    You need to set the arguments in cassie_rl_walking/exe/

    Note: It uses MPI for multithread training. In change mpirun -np 1 python to mpirun -np xx python where xx is the number of workers (CPU core) you want to use. 16 was used as default, if you have a CPU server with >16 cores. The PPO batch size is num_of_workers x timesteps_per_actorbatch, and timesteps_per_actorbatch is set to 4096 in cassie_rl_walking/scripts/

    You can set the environemt configs to train as descrived before

  5. Visualize the reference motion (no dynamics simulation):

    • cd cassie_rl_walking/exe
    • ./

    You can play around the environemt configs as descrived before


If you find our work helpful, please cite:

  title={Reinforcement learning for versatile, dynamic, and robust bipedal locomotion control},
  author={Li, Zhongyu and Peng, Xue Bin and Abbeel, Pieter and Levine, Sergey and Berseth, Glen and Sreenath, Koushil},
  journal={The International Journal of Robotics Research},
  publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England}


Creative Commons License
This work is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


  • cassie-mujoco-sim: Our codebase is built upon the simulation library for Cassie robot using MuJoCo.

  • Xuxin Cheng: Xuxin is an inital developer of this work. If you find an MLP (short history only) is useful enough, please consider to cite:

    title={Reinforcement learning for robust parameterized locomotion control of bipedal robots},
    author={Li, Zhongyu and Cheng, Xuxin and Peng, Xue Bin and Abbeel, Pieter and Levine, Sergey and Berseth, Glen and Sreenath, Koushil},
    booktitle={International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},


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