A c++ library for anything related to points within the 2d space (using floating point data types)
using Catch as testing framework https://github.com/philsquared/Catch
##version 0.9.1
tested for:
long double
##classes currently, the following classes are supported:
Point<T> //a point defined with two coordinates (x and y)
PointCloud<T> //a collection Points, without topological information
OrderedPointCloud<T> //a PointCloud with additional information regarding sorting and filtering of points
KdTree<T> //search tree to quickly find nearest neighbors
//subclasses of PointCloud
LineSegment<T> //a line segment defined by start and end point
Rectangle<T> //a rectangle defined by width, height and center
Arc<T> //an arc defined by diameter, center, start- and end angle
Ellipse<T> //an ellipse
InterpolationBezier<T> //a bezier curve interpolation
InterpolationLinear<T> //a linear interpolation
InvolutCircle<T> //involut curve of a circle
some of the supported methods:
move_by(...) //moves the Point or PointCloud
mirror_vertically(...) //mirrors the Point or PointCloud at a vertical line (horizontally and point also supported)
rotate(...) //rotate by angle around a center
to_string(...) //write coordinates to a string
from_string(...) //parse from a string
distance_to(...) //calculate distances between points
load(...) //load coordinates from file
to_file(...) //write coordinates to file
bounding_box(...) //the minimum bounding rectangle of a PointCloud
convex_hull(...) //calculate the convex hull of a PointCloud
concave_hull(...) //compareable to the convex hull, while better following the shape of a pointcloud
intersections_with(...) //intersections between paths
sort_x(...) //sort by x (or y)
range(from,to) //get ranges of PointCloud
also chainable:
##compatible with other containers
vector< Point <T> > vec = vector<Point <T> >(path.begin(), path.end());
PointCloud<T> path = PointCloud<T>(vec.begin(), vec.end());
##operator overloads
== != //equality
+ += //appending to PointCloud
[] //access elements of PointCloud
std::cout << PointCloud<T> << Point<T>; //overloads for streams
##using lib_2d
add inc/
to your include path and #include lib_2d.h
within your code
also provides a basic usage example
make tests
you can also use
make clean
If you find any bugs, feel free to open an issue
If you'd like other PointClouds than Arc etc. open an issue
Also feel free to open a pull request, in case you added / fixed something yourself