If this project has been helpful to you, please consider buying me a coffee. I'm currently going through a rough patch, and your support would mean a lot. Every little bit can help, if you want to know more you can contact me here @IHunte_dev.
An extension to wrap Blade directives.
- Windows
Ctrl + Shift + T
- Mac
⌘ + Shift + T
Blade Directives |
@if...@endif |
@if...@else...@endif |
@for...@endfor |
@foreach...@endforeach |
@forelse...@empty...@endforelse |
@while...@endwhile |
@push...@endpush |
@pushOnce...@endPushOnce |
@prepend...@endprepend |
@once...@endonce |
@section...@endsection |
@section...@show |
@hasSection...@else...@endif |
@unless...@endunless |
@can...@endcan |
@can...@elsecan...@endcan |
@cannot...@endcannot |
@cannot...@elsecannot...@endcannot |
@component...@endcomponent |
@slot...@endslot |
@isset...@endisset |
@empty...@endempty |
@auth...@endauth |
@guest...@endguest |
@error...@enderror |
@env...@endenv |
@php...@endphp |
@production...@endproduction |
@verbatim...@endverbatim |
@switch...@case...@endswitch |
@session...@endsession |
If you have any suggestion please open an issue or contact me on @IHunte_dev.