NCKU IKMLAB's Official Website.
We use nvm to setup virtual environment for Node.js. Make sure you use environment compatible to the following settings:
We provide a quite snippet for you to setup the environment
# (required only for the first time)
# clone the repo
git clone
# go to the project directory
# (optional if you already did this before)
# setup nvm for bash
curl -o- | bash
# (optional if you already did this before)
# install node, which come with a default npm version
nvm install v12.13.1
# (optional if you already did this before)
# update npm
npm install npm@6.14.1
# (required only for the first time)
# install dependencies
npm install
# Use the following snippet to build
# production version of the website.
npm run build
# Shortcut command.
npm run b
# We use nginx to host our webiste. Get help from manager
# if you don't know where to deploy. (`ssh` to server first,
# do `git pull` from GitHub repo, then run the following snippet.)
npm run deploy
# Use the following snippet to build
# development version of the website.
npm run development
# Shortcut command.
npm run d
# Use the following snippet to run
# a development server.
# This should automatically open a browser
# for you, with hot module replacement and
# live reload utilities.
# If the browser did not open, then go to
# the following url:
# https://localhost:3000/home.html
npm start
- You should send an email to us, with title 'Update website information' and content following the format:
(optional) If you claim some content on website may
related to or owned by you, then please also send
reference which can help us to prove your identity.
The problematic image or text on the website.
Describe the problem.
- If you are a current member of our lab, then ask the lab's network manager for help.
- You can fork our repo and issue a pull request. The branch name must begin with
.- For example:
- For example:
- If you are a current member of our lab, then ask the lab's network manager to add you as a collaborator.
- If you are an alumnus, send an mail to us with title 'Feature request' and content following the format in this section.
- Migrate to Typescript
- Add test
- for
- for
- Write documents for all files in