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This repository was archived by the owner on Dec 8, 2020. It is now read-only.


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  1. Docker installed and running on your machine
  2. A snapshot of the staging data (db and sites/default/files)

Quick start

  1. Go to an empty directory and clone this repository:

    cd ~/Work
    git clone
  2. Edit your local /etc/hosts, and add the server_name from ./.docker/conf_nginx/project.conf and db/solr6 containers: wildlex.local db solr6
    • On Linux/Mac use sudo vim /etc/hosts
    • On Windows right-click on Notepad and select Run as Administrator then edit C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  3. cp docker-compose.override.example-dev.yml docker-compose.override.yml and customize (look for TODO).

  4. Optional

    • Change the port mapping for service nginx if you already have a web server running on port 80, example:
    • If you are going to access the mysql database directly, uncomment the ports mapping from service db.
  5. cp web/sites/default/settings.local.example-dev.php web/sites/default/settings.local.php and customize (look for TODO). Remember the database settings must match that in docker-compose.override.yml)

  6. run docker-compose up in the project directory and make sure that there are no errors in the console. On production use docker-compose up -d to start the daemons in background.

On Fedora Linux you must switch to root account before, for example: sudo docker-compose up

  1. Open http://wildlex.local. You should see a default Drupal install.php

Installing Drupal

Retrieve the database using curl

  1. Restore database contents:

    $ curl -o db.sql.gz
    $ docker cp db.sql.gz wl_db:/
    $ docker exec -it wl_db bash
    $ gunzip -c /db.sql.gz | mysql -u root -proot drupal
  2. Update the instance

    $ ./

Running drush

Below are some common Drupal commands to help you speed-up development:

drush uli <uid|username>                     # Get a one-time login link to reset password or log in as another user.
drush upwd --password=newpass <uid|username> # Reset the password for an user
drush rsync @ENV:%files @self:%files         # Sync the "files" folder with other instances (prod, test, staging etc.).
drush sql-sync @ENV @self                    # Sync database with another instance you have access to

Create sql-dump

$ drush sql-dump --gzip --structure-tables-list=cache,cache_*,watchdog > db.sql.gz

Configuration management


$ drush config-export # shared between environments


$ drush config-import # shared between environments

Theme development

CSS files (the css directory) are generated from LESS sources (the less directory). Don't edit the CSS files directly, use grunt to recompile.

$ npm install grunt-cli -g # install grunt command line interface if not already installed
$ npm install
$ grunt build # or watch

Running tests

Use the script to run project related test. Example:

  • ./ - Run all tests from the iucn_search group
  • ./ FacetTest - Run a single test

Production/Test deployment

  1. Go to an empty directory and clone this repository:

    cd /opt/
    git clone
  2. cp docker-compose.override.example-prod.yml docker-compose.override.yml and customize (look for TODO).

  3. Make sure the front-end server is mapped to an unused port, example:

  4. cp web/sites/default/settings.local.example-prod.php web/sites/default/settings.local.php and customize (look for TODO)

  5. run docker-compose up in the project directory and check for errors. Restart with docker-compose up -d

On Fedora Linux you must switch to root account before, for example: sudo docker-compose up -d

  1. Open You should see a default Drupal install.php

  2. Load a backup and 'files' dump, see above.

  3. Set permissions on files. In host execute the following commands:

    chown -R 33:33 web/sites/default/files
    chown -R root:33 web/sites/default/settings.local.hp
  1. Configure robots.txt. In docker.composer.override.yml mount the proper robots file:
    - ./web/