Get the current weather anywhere in the world.
- Clone this repository :
❯ cd /path/to/workspace
❯ git clone
- Install dependencies :
❯ npm i
- Launch the app :
❯ nodemon app.js
- Here are some of the questions it can answer.
> What's the weather like in city
> Will it be hot tomorrow in city
> Will it be rainy in city the day after tomorrow
> Hello Bot !
Hello there! I'm Ilyess's Bot :) What do you want from me ?
> What is the weather like in Paris
Here's the current condition in Paris : Clear
It's pretty cold ! Temperatures are around 4 degrees.
> Will it rain in Paris tomorrow
> Will it be hot tomorrow in Paris
No, here's the actual temperature : 9.9
> Bye
See you another time ;)