License: Apache 2.0
About: Time Processing Tool
OS: Independent
Python: 3.9+
Typing: Typed
Topic: Utilities
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Have you ever needed to convert, for example, the string "1d1minute 2 sec" to the number of seconds or a datetime.timedelta object?
No? Then advise us to your friends :) And if you really need our tool - let's move on!
$ pip3 install tense
$ poetry add tense
import datetime
from tense import TenseParser
time_string = "1d2minutes 5 sec"
# <-- Digit parser -->
digit_parser = TenseParser(TenseParser.DIGIT)
assert digit_parser.parse(time_string) == 86525
# <-- Timedelta parser -->
delta_parser = TenseParser(TenseParser.TIMEDELTA)
delta_value = delta_parser.parse(time_string)
# <-- Assertions -->
assert isinstance(delta_value, datetime.timedelta)
assert str(delta_value) == "1 day, 0:02:05"
from tense import TenseParser, from_tense_file_source
config_emulation = """
multiplier = 2 # each unit of time will be multiplied by 2
# !!! Note: If the multiplier is <= 0, then the parsers will
# not work correctly. In this case, a warning will be sent to the console.
duration = 120 # Why not?...
aliases = my_minute, my_minutes, my_min, my_mins
parser = TenseParser(
delta_value = parser.parse("1 my_min 10my_mins 9 my_minutes")
assert str(delta_value) == "1:20:00" # (each 120 * 2)
from tense import TenseParser, from_tense_file_source
config_emulation = """
[model.Tense] # This header is required.
duration = exp(year * 10)
aliases = decade, dec, decs, decades
parser = TenseParser(
delta_value = parser.parse("1year 10 decades5 seconds")
assert str(delta_value) == "36865 days, 0:00:05"
But what if you need to parse a string like: "1day and 10 minutes + 5 seconds"? Let's see:
>> > from tense import TenseParser
>> > complex_string = "1day and 10 minutes + 5 seconds"
>> > parser = TenseParser(TenseParser.TIMEDELTA)
>> > parser.parse(complex_string)
Wait... What? 5 second? But there are days and minutes...
- It's okay, you're using flexible tense! This problem is solved in two ways:
- You write your own time_resolver and pass it
- Choose an existing one from tense.resolvers
Let's demonstrate! I will use the second option, since the built-in time resolvers in tense are suitable for me.
>> > from tense import TenseParser, resolvers
>> > complex_string = "1day and 10 minutes + 5 seconds"
>> > parser = TenseParser(TenseParser.TIMEDELTA, time_resolver=resolvers.smart_resolver)
>> > parser.parse(complex_string)
'1 day, 0:10:05'
Well, that's better!
tense.application.resolvers.smart_resolver() is also case insensitive!
>> > from tense import TenseParser, resolvers
>> > complex_string = "1DAY and 10 MINUTES + 5 SECONDS"
>> > parser = TenseParser(TenseParser.TIMEDELTA, time_resolver=resolvers.smart_resolver)
>> > parser.parse(complex_string)
'1 day, 0:10:05'
If you think that this is where the possibilities of tense ends, then you are wrong! The possibilities of tense are too many for a README, so I suggest you move on to viewing the usage examples here:
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE
for more information.
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Initially, the project was made asynchronous, which significantly slowed down the parsing process, because tense is a CPU-bound module.
By refactoring the project, we got a ~x22.31
speedup in processing complex strings (using smart_resolver
μs | Now:~0.00004260...
And ~x38.28
speed up processing simple strings (using basic_resolver
μs | Now:~0.00001630...
The previous (async) version is still available in the repository branches -, but the site with the documentation will be changed. Note that the package on PyPi will also remain in the public domain.