Welcome to Yummy-Website, a delightful web application for food lovers! This project aims to provide an interactive platform where users can explore, discover, and share their favorite recipes and food-related content.
- Browse through a vast collection of recipes and culinary inspiration.
- Discover popular recipes based on different categories and cuisines.
- Create an account to save favorite recipes and create your own recipe collection.
- Upload and share your own recipes with the community.
- Engage with other users by commenting and rating recipes.
- Search for specific recipes or ingredients to find exactly what you're looking for.
Check out the live demo of Yummy-Website: https://irenaeus-xvi.github.io/Yummy-Website/
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Irenaeus-XVI/Yummy-Website.git
The Yummy-Website project was inspired by the love for food and the desire to create a community-driven platform for sharing culinary experiences. We express our gratitude to all the open-source contributors whose libraries and frameworks were used in this project.