I`m C++ developer, but I have experience in C#, Java, Python, JS, lua.
I love developing games and game engines! This is my work and my hobby. In my free time I write my own little engine to learn computer graphics. Have a master's degree in computer science (VA/AR technologies).
- SimpleEngine - Tiny game engine. This is my sandbox project for learning computer graphics.
Unknowwm - Tiny window manager written in C++ with the XLib library.
Unknowdock - This is tiny status bar written in Python with the GTK library for Unknowwm.
TinyWinToast - Tiny library to show windows toast.
Pyqt5notification - Tiny script for notification in pyqt5.
Kitsune - Music player with text user interface.
Sparrow - Video player with dynamic subtitles translation
ArgParse - Simple arg parse for C++.
SomeLogger - Simpe logger for C++ and Python.
ArtOfMathApp - Fractal generation application.
DynamicWall - Generate wallpaper with dynamic content.
WallpaperGen - Script for generating wallpaper.
UnsplashWall - Download random wallpaper from unsplash.com
UnnecessaryScripts - Some script for drawing content to console for beautiful screenshots.
RandomWallpaper - Download random wallpaper from goodfon.ru
CustomTab - Custom new tab for Google chrome.
Startpage - Beautiful startpage with customization.
Dynamic_startpage - Dynamic startpage with slideshow or video background
Mini_startpage - Minimalistic startpage