Little KV (LKV) is a lightweight key-value store (think Redis, Couchbase on a much smaller scale) written in Python that leverages in-memory storage to minimize read/write times. LKV also uses websocketing for client-server communication in order to minimize latency.
Full list of supported commands:
Make sure that you have the latest version of Python installed on your machine. To download the source code, run:
git clone
This project uses pipenv for dependency management and creating virtual environments. To install pipenv, run:
pip install pipenv
The required packages are listed in the Pipfile. To install those dependencies, run:
pipenv install
The lkv.config toml file holds informations regarding the project environment such the default host and port for the server to run on. You can edit the content and provide your own custom default settings.
To run the LKV server with the default configurations, simply run:
You can also pass in additional parameters through the command line:
usage: lkv-server [-h HOST] [-p PORT] [-d KV_DIR] [-s KV_SRC] [-H]
LittleKV Server
optional arguments:
-h HOST, --host HOST host server should run on
-p PORT, --port PORT port server should run on
-d KV_DIR, --dir KV_DIR
directory of target kv file
-s KV_SRC, --src KV_SRC
name of target kv file
-H, --help show this help message and exit
Example usage:
$ lkv-server
Server listening @ on port 9876
LittleKV comes equipped with a command line interface that you can use to run commands. To run the LKV CLI with the default configurrations, simply run:
You can also pass in additional parameters through the command line:
usage: lkv-cli [-h HOST] [-p PORT] [-H] command [command ...]
LittleKV CLI
positional arguments:
command lkv commands
optional arguments:
-h HOST, --host HOST host client should connect to
-p PORT, --port PORT port client should connect to
-H, --help show this help message and exit
Example usage:
$ lkv-cli ping
$ lkv-cli set foo bar
$ lkv-cli get foo
$ lkv-cli clear
$ lkv-cli count