This is a simple Blogging Application made using a GO server as backend and Vue as the frontend framework. The database of choice was MongoDB.
Dependency Management in Go is not the best and I didn't get around using Go Dep and just put the whole folder inside $GOPATH/src/<myusername>/<this folder containing backend & frontend>
Now it uses Go Dep so no problems. Clone it anywhere you want.
Go dependencies used are Gin, Cors, Mgo, bson and standard packages like time, json & log
You can run the go server using
cd backend/
go run main.go routes.go
Store your Mongo URI in an environment variable MONGO_DB_URL For Bash
export MONGO_DB_URL="mongodb://localhost:27017/<dbname>"
Frontend is made using Vue.js & to run the the Vue server use the below commands
cd frontend/
yarn serve