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Parallel Scan in CUDA and OpenMP

How to Run

The OpenMP version requires OpenMP to be installed and for "openmp" to be on the GCC path. The Brent-Kung version requires an NVIDIA CUDA-capable GPU with at least 2GB memory.

  • make benchmarks
    • Runs benchmarks for all versions
  • make benchmarks VERSION=iterative
    • Runs benchmarks for the single-threaded iterative version
  • make benchmarks VERSION=openmp_release
    • Runs benchmakrs for the OpenMP version
  • make benchmarks VERSION=brent_release
    • Runs benchmarks for the Brent-Kung version

The output can be found in a local file benchmarks.csv

CUDA (Brent-Kung)

  • Tested and works on on array sizes up to 268,435,456 (2^28) for section sizes 1024 and 2048.
    • The GPUs have ~2GB of memory, and an array of 2^28 float uses ~1GB. It's safer to not approach 2GB since the GPU is shared with the display device, etc.
  • The algorithm is done in-place on the device to conserve memory, and the output is copied to the output array, so a user would be oblivious to this.



make tests runs various tests on the CUDA and OMP versions and compares it to the iterative version.

Scalability Study

make benchmarks will produce a .csv with various array sizes, sections sizes of 1024 and 2048, and threads of 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 for the CUDA, OMP, and iterative version.