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A Wrap for UISearchController makes all customization super easy.


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Aug 15, 2018
Aug 16, 2018
Aug 16, 2018
Aug 13, 2018
Aug 15, 2018
Aug 16, 2018

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A Wrap for UISearchController makes all customization super easy.


Dwonload and check out the demo project.



  • iOS 8.0+
  • Swift 4.0+



Pod `SKSearchController`


Download two .swift files in Source.


1. Initialization.

Toltally same initilizers as UISearchController
var searchController = SKSearchController(searchResultsController: nil)

2. Setup

All the setups must be done in the ViewDidAppear:. Some seting would be unavailable otherwise.

    func setupSearchController() {
        searchController.placeholder = "SKSearchController Demo"
        searchController.customizeCancelButton = { button in
            button.setAttributedTitle(NSAttributedString(string: "Punch", attributes: [.foregroundColor : UIColor.white, .font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 15)]), for: .normal)
            button.backgroundColor = UIColor(hex: 0xEE7F79)
            button.layer.cornerRadius = 4

        searchController.barBackgroundColor = UIColor(hex: 0xF9F9FA)
        searchController.leftIcon = UIImage(named: "football")
        searchController.leftIconColor =  UIColor(hex: 0xEE7F79)
        searchController.setRightBookmarkIcon(image: UIImage(named: "speaker"), color: UIColor(hex: 0xEE7F79), for: [UIControlState.normal])
        searchController.setRightClearIcon(image: UIImage(named: "x"), color: UIColor(hex: 0xEE7F79), for: [UIControlState.normal])
        searchController.cursorColor = UIColor(hex: 0x333333)
        searchController.textFieldTextColor = UIColor(hex: 0xbbbbbb)
        searchController.hideBorderLines = true
        searchController.textFieldBackgroundColor = UIColor(hex: 0xF9F9FA)
        searchController.searchTextDidChange = { searchBar, text in
            print("Keyword: \(text)")
    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
        // Do the settings here. Some settings could be unavailable otherwise.


1. Properties


  • textFieldBackgroundColor: Backgournd color of textField in searchControler's searchBar
  • textFieldCornerRadius: corner radius of the textField
  • textFieldTextColor: text color of textField
  • textFieldFont: text font of textField
  • cursorColor: Set cursor color by changing the tint color of the searchField
  • placeholder: set up the placeholder of the searchBar
  • attributedPlaceholder: set up the attributedPlaceholder of the textField


  • showCancelButtonWhileEditing: determing whether shows the cancel button or not.
  • customizeCancelButton: (UIButton)->(): a clourse help you setup the cancel button
  • cencelButtonAttributedTitle: This attribute only valid when customizeCancelButton block is nil
  • cancelButtonColor: This attribute only valid when customizeCancelButton block and cencelButtonAttributedTitle are both nil
  • cancelButtonTitle: This attribute only valid when customizeCancelButton block and cencelButtonAttributedTitle are both nil


  • leftIcon: Set a image to the left search icon.
  • rightClearIcon: Set a image to the clear icon showed while you are typing
  • rightBookmarkIcon: Set a image to the bookmark icon showed on the right of the search field.


  • hideBorderLines: whether hide the upper and lower border line of the searchBar
  • barBackgroundColor: set the search bar background, only working on iOS 11 and lower
  • universalBackgoundColor: set the search bar and the navigationBar background. This attribute will also set searchBar.isTranslucent to false on iOS 11 and lower
  • hideNavitionBarBottomLine: whether hide the bottom line of the navigationBar

2. Methods

func setLeftIcon(image: UIImage?, color: UIColor?, for states: [UIControlState]) Set a image to the left search icon. The icon will be redered in the color if it's not nil.

func setRightBookmarkIcon(image: UIImage?, color: UIColor?, for states: [UIControlState]) Set a image to the right bookmark icon. The icon will be redered in the color if it's not nil.

func setRightClearIcon(image: UIImage?, color: UIColor?, for states: [UIControlState]) Set a image to the right clear icon. The icon will be redered in the color if it's not nil.

3. UISearchBar Delegate

The delegate methods of UISearchBar has been convert to closures like below

typealias EmptySearchBarHandler = (UISearchBar)->()
typealias BoolSearchBarHandler = (UISearchBar)->(Bool)

public var searchButtonClickHandler: EmptySearchBarHandler?
public var searchBarShouldBeginEditingHandler: BoolSearchBarHandler?
public var searchBarShouldEndEditingHandler: BoolSearchBarHandler?
public var searchBarCancelButtonClickHandler: EmptySearchBarHandler?

public var searchTextDidChange: ((UISearchBar, String)->())?
public var searchTextShouldChangeInRange: ((UISearchBar, NSRange, String)->(Bool))?

So set it up like this

searchController.searchTextDidChange = 
{ searchBar, text in
        print("Content: \(text)")

Simple and efficient


  • Objective-C version