Extension to use postgis functions with kysely more easely.
/!\ Early development
import { Database } from './types.ts'; // the Database interface
import { Pool } from 'pg';
import { Kysely, PostgresDialect } from 'kysely';
import { stf, setDefaultOptions } from 'kysely-postgis';
const dialect = new PostgresDialect({
pool: new Pool(/* Pool configuration*/),
const db = new Kysely()<Database>({ dialect });
// By default, WKT and GeoJSON are validated
// Disable GeoJSON and WKT validation globally
// setDefaultOptions({
// validate: false,
// });
// Returns a GeoJSON from geometry column
const query1 = db
.select((eb) => stf(eb).asGeoJSON('column').as('geojson'))
//select ST_AsGeoJSON("column") as "geojson" from "table"
// Transform a GeoJSON Object to geometry
const query2 = db
.select((eb) =>
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [125.6, 10.1],
console.log(query2.sql, query2.parameters);
//select ST_GeomFromGeoJSON($1) as "geojson" from "table" [ '{"type":"Point","coordinates":[125.6,10.1]}' ]
// Transform a GeoJSON string to geometry
const query3 = db
.select((eb) =>
.geomFromGeoJSON(eb.val(`{"type": "Point","coordinates": [125.6, 10.1]}`))
console.log(query3.sql, query3.parameters);
//select ST_GeomFromGeoJSON($1) as "geojson" from "table" [ '{"type": "Point","coordinates": [125.6, 10.1]}' ]
// Transform a WKT string to geometry
const query4 = db
.select((eb) =>
.geomFromText('POINT(1 2)'))
console.log(query4.sql, query4.parameters);
//select ST_GeomFromText($1) as "geom" from "table" [ 'POINT(1, 2)' ]
// You need to use eb.val() to pass a GeoJSON string or the string will be considerate like a column
const query5 = db
.select((eb) =>
.area(eb.val(`{"type": "Polygon","coordinates": [
[[100.0, 0.0],[101.0, 0.0],[101.0, 1.0],[100.0, 1.0],[100.0, 0.0]]
console.log(query5.sql, query5.parameters);
//select ST_Area($1) as "geom" from "table" [ '{"type": "Polygon","coordinates": [[[100.0, 0.0],[101.0, 0.0],[101.0, 1.0],[100.0, 1.0][100.0, 0.0]]]}' ]
// You can pass any additional parameters to a ST function
// Be careful, theses parameters will simply be add at the end of the parameters
const query6 = db
.select((eb) =>
.buffer('geom', 1, {
additionalParameters: [eb.val('endcap=square join=round')],
console.log(query6.sql, query6.parameters);
//select ST_Buffer("geom", $1, $2) as "geojson" from "etablissementIsochrone" [ 1, 'endcap=square join=round' ]
- area(geo column | GeoJSON Polygon/MultiPolygon /object, string/, { useSpheroid? }), see postgis documentation
- asGeoJSON(column, { maxDecimalDigits?, options? }), see postgis documentation
- asText(geo column), see postgis documentation
- boundary(geo column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- buffer(geo column | GeoJSON /object, string/, radius), see postgis documentation
- centroid(geo column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- contains(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- covers(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- crosses(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- dWithin(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/, distance number), see postgis documentation
- difference(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- disjoint(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- distance(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- distanceSphere(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- equals(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- expand(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, unitsToExpand number), see postgis documentation
- geomFromGeoJSON(GeoJSON /object, string or column name/), see postgis documentation
- geomFromText(WKT string, { srid? }), see postgis documentation
- geoHash(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- intersection(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- intersects(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- isValid(geo column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- makeValid(geo column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- maxDistance(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- overlaps(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- srid(geo column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- scale(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, xFactor number, yFactor number), see postgis documentation
- segmentize(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, maxLength: number), see postgis documentation
- setSRID(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, srid), see postgis documentation
- simplify(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, tolerance number, see postgis documentation
- simplifyPreserveTopology(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, tolerance number), see postgis documentation
- transform(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, srid), see postgis documentation
- translate(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, deltaX number, deltaY number), see postgis documentation
- union(geoa column set | column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob? | column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- within(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/, geob column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- x(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- y(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- z(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- m(geoa column | GeoJSON /object, string/), see postgis documentation
- makePoint(x number, y number, { srid? }), see postgis documentation