Client library for 100sp API. Supports all proposed endpoints.
Add following line to your Gemfile:
# Gemfile
gem 'stosp'
Or install it system-wide:
$ gem install stosp
First, init client with token:
client = token)
And than talk API with options (if required):
Check the official API docs for more information and available options
of methods
available_distributors -> GET
calculate(options) -> POST
check_orders(mega_order_id, orders = []) -> POST
create(options) -> POST
export_full_report -> GET
export_purchases_list -> GET
import(options) -> POST
process_orders(pid, options = {}) -> GET
purchase_export(options = {}) -> GET
purchase_export_meta(purchase) -> GET
sticker_print(mega_order_ids, options = {}) -> GET
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.