QuLabEDU is a series of hands-on labs in quantum information science built for a range of education backgrounds. Each lab is a jupyter-notebook intended to be run via Amazon Web Service's cloud quantum computing platform, Braket. These notebooks consist of an introduction and a series of code-blocks and questions that are answered in real-time.
- Create an AWS account with access to Braket.
- Initialize a notebook on Braket.
- Login to AWS -> Amazon Braket -> Notebooks -> Create notebook instance
- When creating notebook instance, use Git Repository options to clone this repository 'https://github.com/Kenny-Heitritter/QuLabEDU.git'
- Go to the labs folder in your initialized Notebook and select your desired lab.
<Q|1> - The Stern-Gerlach Experiment
- An introduction to the concept of qubit operations and measurements. After getting aquainted with the basics, you will use qubits to recreate the Stern-Gerlach experiment which originally showed the spin-1/2 nature of the electron. Variations on the Stern-Gerlach experiment show how quantum operations and measurement behave quite differently from their classical counterparts.
- Complete graduate-level version of <Q|1>
- Create general scaffolding for lab creation
- Develop future labs based around the following:
- Rabi oscillations
- Entanglement, Bell states (2 qubits)
- Quantum teleportation, usage in error correction
- Trotterized version of MRI
- Renyi entropy from twin copies
- Measure phase shifts in one dimension
- Preparation of configurable Rydberg arrays
- Phase diagram of Rydberg atom ladders
- Measurement of decoherence times (T1, T2) and comparison to hardware listings
To contribute, please contact Kenny Heitritter at kenneth-heitritter@uiowa.edu
Apache License 2.0