php in docker for arm64 & amd64 & Arm32/v7
How to set this image up via docker
Following tags exist in both amd64 && arm64/aarch64 && armv7/armhf:
( lines with strikethrough are now deprectaed, they are available but wont be built via CI anymore. if you need those updated, open an issue. )
php-7 is still on bullseye.
php8.1 and higher have now migrated to bookworm. so if you use php8.3-fpm-bullseye OR php8.3-fpm-bullseye they both are the same image built on bookworm. this was done to not break containers for anyone still using bullseye as the tag.
- 7-cli-bullseye
- 7-cli-alpine
- 7-fpm-bullseye
- 7-fpm-alpine
- 7-apache-bullseye
8.0-cli-bullseye8.0-cli-alpine8.0-apache-bullseye8.0-fpm-bullseye8.0-fpm-alpine- 8.1-fpm-bookworm
- 8.1-fpm-alpine
- 8.1-apache-bookworm
- 8.1-cli-bookworm
- 8.1-cli-alpine
- 8.2-fpm-bookworm
- 8.2-fpm-alpine
- 8.2-apache-bookworm
- 8.2-cli-bookworm
- 8.2-cli-alpine
- 8.3-fpm-bookworm
- 8.3-fpm-alpine
- 8.3-apache-bookworm
- 8.3-cli-bookworm
- 8.3-cli-alpine
Contains the following php extensions :
- amqp
- bcmath
- bz2
- calendar
- ctype
- exif
- gd (no av1 encoder on arm7 only)
- intl
- imagick
- imap
- json
- ldap
- mbstring
- mcrypt
- memcached
- mongodb
- mysqli
- opcache
- pdo_mysql
- pdo_pgsql
- pgsql
- redis
- soap
- snmp
- sockets
- tidy
- timezonedb
- uuid
- vips
- xsl
- yaml
- zip
- zstd
Also contains latest composer
For the apache version only it also contains rewrite mod