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Haufe Technology Radar

A static site generator for Haufe Technology Radar


> git clone
> cd aoe_technology_radar
> npm install
> npm run watch

A new browser tab should open up - wait until last command has finished and refresh.

Original version

The Haufe Technology radar is a fork of the AOE technology radar, that you can find on Thanks a lot to AOE to provide such a cool tech radar implementation!

Working on the Content

The content of the tech radar is located in the folder /radar. To organize progress over time, the files are structured in subfolders with the release date (YYYY-MM-DD). For each item there must be one markdown file (*.md).

Maintaining items

The items are written in Markdown format (.md)

Each file has a front-matter header where the attributes of the item are listed:

  title:      "Machine Learning"
  ring:       discover
  quadrant:   data-science-and-analytics

  Text goes here. You can use **markdown** here.

Following front-matter attributes are possible:

  • title: Name of the Item
  • quadrant: Quadrant. One of data-science-and-analytics, infrastructure-and-operational-technology, platforms-and-partners, ui-and-devices
  • ring: Ring section in radar. One of discover, productize, scale
  • info: (optional) A short textual description of the item (visible in overview pages)
  • hidden: (optional) Set to true in order to hide the item. E.g. when under development.

Quadrant values and their meaning

  • data-science-and-analytics means Data Science & Analytics
    All data related technologies and trends like BigData, Business Intelligence, Artifical Intelligence (AI,KI) and Machine Learning are placed here.

  • infrastructure-and-operational-technology means Infrastructure & Operational Technology
    Technologies reaching from Cloud over DevOps, Containerization, Continous Integration/Delivery/Deployment, Build Pipelines, Monitoring, Logging

  • platforms-and-partners means Platforms & Partners
    Technologies useful for product/system collaboration and composable new product forms like APIs, API Management, Partner Platform, Collaboration, Integration

  • ui-and-devices means UI & Devices
    New forms of user interfaces like voice (Amazon Alexa), Chatbots, Virtual/Artifical/Mixed reality devices, Mobile devices and also other IoT devices including Smart Home

Ring section values and their meaning

Each of the items is classified in one of these rings:

  • discover
    We discover the value of a technology and proof the value for us and our customers. That is typically the stage were we work on PoCs and unrisky tests in apps.
  • productize We use it in one or a small amount of products and gather experinece with our customers.
  • scale
    We use it in many products and teams and it has proven to be stable and useful.


It is strongly recommended to use the file as a template for new items. It also contains the structure that should be used for all items with helpful explanations about the audience and view point to write the content.


The name of the .md file acts as item identifier.

If an item also exists in a newer release, the attributes from the new item are merged with the old ones. The content of the md-files is also merged. The content of the newest file is displayed first in the radar followed by the older content.

Use GitHub to work on content

The easiest way to work on the *.md files is the usage of GitHub. Use the branch PrepareContent to change the md files. Simply switch to PrepareContent branch and start to edit the md files. Currently we work in the folder radar/2017-11-01. Commit your changes with a short note what you changed. I will merge the changes from time to time to the master branch.

Who should fill out which technology file?

Just take a look in the file Technology List.


The deployment is based on docker. Use the dockerfile in the project to create a haufetechradar docker image.

FROM node:7.10.1 as source
WORKDIR /src/haufe-techradar
COPY . ./
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build:all

FROM nginx:1.13.5
WORKDIR /opt/haufe-techradar
COPY --from=source /src/haufe-techradar/dist .
COPY default.template /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.template
CMD /bin/bash -c "envsubst < /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.template > /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf && nginx -g 'daemon off;'"

To run the image locally use:

docker build --no-cache -t haufetechradar .
docker run -e SERVER_NAMES=localhost -p "8080:80" haufetechradar

Available instances

We have two available instances running on Azure.


The test version is available at It reflects the content and version of the PrepareContent branch. A new deployment is triggered whenever the branch PrepareContent is changed.


The production version is available at It reflects the content and version of the master branch. A new deployment is triggered whenever the branch master is changed.


To see instructions, click here.


  • Work on the content
  • Implement circle diagram view of the data


A static site generator for AOE Technology Radar






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  • JavaScript 80.5%
  • CSS 19.1%
  • PowerShell 0.4%