This is a codespace repository configured to install Android development tools (for building Kotatsu app)
* Ubuntu
* Bazelisk
* Gradle
* Maven
* Ant
* Meson
* Java 17 (Oracle)
* Android SDK
To import as a submodule use 'git submodule add'
git submodule add .devcontainer
In theory it is possible to add access to additional repositories within a codespace using 'customizations'
The original devcontainer.json file was created using the VS Code codespaces configuration wizard.
Press "F1" or "Ctr + Shift + P" in VS Code Codespaces and select "Codespaces: Add Dev Container Configuration Files...".
Additional information about VS Code, the UI, Dev Containers and VS Code Dev Containers (Extention) is available online. Devcontainers are available on the most common operating systems and the web (1 & 2)!