The repository is archived as we have moved towards other sources of examples, including project-specific and tutorial-based ones, such as, and
Various examples for Kotlin
If anything is missing or seems confusing, please create an issue in the Kotlin issue tracker
- - This is an open-source, mobile, cross-platform application built with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM). It’s a simple RSS reader, and you can download it from the App Store and Google Play. It’s been designed to demonstrate how KMM can be used in real production projects.
- - This is a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) sample project. It includes iOS and Android applications with a native UI and a module with code shared on iOS and Android.
- - This is a sample project for the "Make your Android application work on iOS" tutorial. Master branch contains the project’s initial state: it’s a simple Android application generated with the Android Studio “Login application” wizard. You could find the final state with the iOS application and shared KMM module in the final branch.
- - This is a sample project represents the case when Cocoapods dependencies added in Kotlin and there is no existing Xcode project.
- - This project is intended to demonstrate how to connect Kotlin library to Xcode project with several targets: iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS
- - This project is intended to demonstrate the connection of two Kotlin libraries to existing Xcode project through Cocoapods.
- - A collection of ready-to-use samples for Ktor.
- - This is a Kotlin version of the spring-petclinic application.
- - A full-stack demo application written in Kotlin for JetBrains Night Moscow 2019.
- - This project is a PoC of using Kotlin (JS) and React, React-Dom, React-Router, Redux and React-Redux. This project is an implementation/translation of the react-redux Todo List example project in Kotlin (with the addition of react-router).
- - Collaborative todo-list with Spring, Kotlin and RSocket.
- - This repository contains a set of samples demonstrating how one can work with Kotlin/Native.
Kotlin Script:
- - This repository contains example projects and individual scripts, as well as links to the external examples demonstrating Kotlin Scripting functionality and API usage.