DAB is a discord selfbot that automates certain other discord bots such as:
- Tatsumaki
- Pokecord
- Sushii
DAB is written in python and uses the discord.py library.
DAB primarily automates sending messages every x seconds. This is useful for several bots because they award users experience or credits for sending messages every x seconds.
However, DAB is also capable of automating bot-specific things such as Tatsumaki's rep system, Sushii's fishy system, and Pokecord's (formerly) pokemon system. In the absence of Pokecord, DAB now supports automating PokeRealm and PokeTwo.
First, install python 3.6+ (Instructions can be found here)
Then, clone the repo (Or download a release, but I won't cover that)
git clone git@github.com:Kr4ken-9/DAB
Next, install the requirements with pip
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Finally, run the bot with python
python main.py
The first time you run DAB, it will give you the option to configure it via commandline. This feature is still in progress and is not very reliable. You will most likely get better results configuring it manually. (See Help)
DAB uses a modified version of discord.py listed in requirements.txt. As of right now, if you don't trust this version, you can replace it with the latest official discord.py from Rapptz Read more about the modified version here.
Please look at the configuration documentation to help you understand both how to use the bot, and how it works.
Thanks @ExtraConcentratedJuice for your single contribution: https://github.com/Kr4ken-9/DAB/commit/13c38e058818d35334307d947088c70ae5a43233