A Julia package for retrieving data from the AERIS/ICARE server.
Use function ftp_download
to retrieve missing CALIOP data
files in a specified time frame.
The function may work for other data as well, but was only designed to downlaod
CALIOP aerosol and cloud data. Try to change caliopdir
in ftp_download
make it an arg or kwarg maindir
ICARE.jl is an unregistered Julia package, but can be installed with the package manager:
julia> ]
pkg> add https://github.com/pb866/ICARE.jl.git
pkg> ← (backspace)
julia> import ICARE
function ftp_download(
version::Float64 = 4.20,
dir::String = ".",
savelog::String = "ICAREdownloads.log",
warnlog::String = "ICAREwarnings.log",
cleandata::Union{Nothing,Bool} = nothing,
download::Bool = true,
appendlog::Bool = false,
restart::String = "ask"
Download missing CALIOP hdf files of product
type (e.g., "05kmAPro"
or "01kmCLay"
and version
(e.g., 3.01
or 4.2
, default is 4.20
) from the ICARE server
using your user
login name and password
Passwords containing special characters must be encoded with URI encoding,
for exclamation mark (!
) or%23
for hash or number sign (#
Data is downloaded for the specified time frame in the range startdate
to enddate
and enddate
are positiv integers in the date format "yyyymmdd"
Months ("mm"
) or month and days ("mmdd"
) can be missing and are substituted with the first
possible date for the startdate
and last possible date for the enddate
If enddate
is not specified, it is assigned the same value as startdate
, but can
actually be a different date, when the day and/or month is not specified as the value
is assigned prior to the conversion to dates.
startdate = 2010
: download all data available in 2006 (from 2010-01-01 to 2010-12-31)startdate = 201001
: download all data from January 2010 (from 2010-01-01 to 2010-01-31)startdate = 20100101
: download data only for 2010-01-01startdate = 2010
,enddate = 201006
: download first half of 2010 (from 2010-01-01 to 2010-06-30)startdate = 20100103
,enddate = 20100105
: download data from 2010-01-03 to 2010-01-05
Data are downloaded to the local directory dir
, where dir
is the main folder containing the data folder
for product
files. Folder structure within dir
is synced with ICARE.
Data is placed in the same folders as on the ICARE server; missing folders are created.
If already existing folders contain any other files than hidden files or files
also available on the ICARE server a warning is given with the option to delete those
files. You are asked in the terminal for the following options:
: current file is deletedn
: current file deletion is skippedall
: press at any time; all files are deleted even previously skipped filesremaining
: the current and all remaining files in the list are deleted; previously skipped files are keptnone
: all remaining files are kept (previously deleted files are not restored)
Alternatively, you can set the cleandata
kwarg to true
to delete all/no
data file without programme interruption.
Files are not synced with ICARE, missing files are downloaded, but existing files are not checked for file changes.
Download is monitored in ICAREdownloads.log
; warnings of missing ICARE data
or additional local data files are given in ICAREwarnings.log
(or the specified
alternative paths/names for the savelog
and warnlog
files). By default, new
log files are created for every run of ftp_download
, but existing log files can
be appended, if appendlog
is set to true
Furthermore, a temporary dsl
(download session log) file is created, which is
deleted after a successful run. In case of a premature interuption of ftp_download
the dsl
file is used to recover the last session and continue the downloads.
In this case the user is prompted to the following options for a restart:
: Restart the previous download session. This always appends the previoussavelog
file of the same name as thedsl
: This continues the current download session and deletes thedsl
file with the download history of a previously interrupted sessionl
(option is only available, if thedsl
file name is not the same as thesavelog
file name of the current session): If a session was previously interrupted, but you started a different download session (based on thesavelog
file name), you can continue the current download session, but keep thedsl
file for a later recovery of the session
By default, user input occurs via the REPL/terminal. For uninterrupted sessions,
e.g. for ICARE runs in the background, the above choices can be passed to
with the keyword argument restart
If download
is set to false
, ftp_download
only checks for available
additional data files on the ICARE server in the specified time frame and reports
them in the savelog
file. Furthermore, missing dates on ICARE or misplaced
files in the local directories are given in the warnlog
file. Directories are
not synced with ICARE, and files are not downloaded. However, additional files in
the local directories can be removed. This option is available to check your data
coverage compared to the ICARE server.
import Pkg
import Dates.Date
import ICARE
# Download all data from the year 2010
dir = "/Users/home/data/CALIOP/"
"PassWord%231%21", #"PassWord#1!"
dir = dir,
savelog = joinpath(dir, "ICAREdownloads.log"),
warnlog = joinpath(dir, "ICAREwarnings.log"),
cleandata = true