I'm a Brazilian-based Fullstack Developer with a passion for creativity and coding. My journey in the world of technology has been an exciting one, and I'm always eager to learn and explore new possibilities.
💻 Currently, I serve as a Spring Boot Developer during the day and take on the role of a Nest.js teacher by night. In my daily work, I proficiently utilize a diverse range of technologies, including Java, JavaScript, React.js, MongoDB, SQL, AWS, Node.js, and more.
🚀 Throughout my career, I've worked on a variety of projects that have honed my skills and expanded my knowledge. I developed a patient management system using React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, and Mongoose. I participated in a job application platform for programming positions using Nest.js, TypeORM, and PostgreSQL, marking my first team experience. I also created a contact platform for doctors and hospitals using Spring Boot and AWS, and a food ranking system using Spring Boot, MongoDB, Swagger, and Railway for deployment. Additionally, I worked on a service management system for an event company, leveraging Spring Boot, MySQL, and AWS, with development and staging environments, along with Cognito for authentication.
Feel free to explore my GitHub to see the tools and technologies I've worked with. Don't hesitate to connect with me on social media or reach out for collaboration and conversation.
Let's make the digital world a better place one code at a time! 🤗
object Jessie_Moura {
val name = "Jessica Moura Bentes"
val acknowledgements = "Fullstack Developer | UX Designer | Fullstack Instructor"
val languages = listOf("JavaScript", "Java", "SQL", "C")
val shortTimeGoals = listOf(
"Obtain my AWS certification",
"Write a book on best coding practices",
"Attend an in-person developer bootcamp"
val longTimeGoals = listOf(
"Contribute to open-source projects",
"Lead a team on significant projects",
"Build a shelter for abandoned animals",
"Establish a nursing home for the elderly"
val hobbies = listOf("Gaming", "Cinema", "Writing")
val placesToVisit = listOf("South Korea", "Scotland", "Spain", "India")
val randomInfo = mapOf(
"favorite_food" to "Pizza 🍕",
"favorite_color" to "Tiffany&Co Blue 💧",
"favorite_movie" to "The Count of Monte Cristo 🗡",
"favorite_game" to "Resident Evil: Code Veronica 🌂",
"favorite_TvShow" to "The Chosen ✝",
"favorite_writer" to "Brandon Sanderson 🎭",
"favorite_word" to "Clever (because of the sound!) 😉",
"favorite_song" to "Feeling Good - Nina Simone 🎶",
"favorite_band" to "Your royal majesty, Queen! 👑"