Fable parser for TypeScript declaration files.
Install it with yarn or npm. With yarn it is:
yarn global add ts2fable
With npm it is:
npm install -g ts2fable
Run the ts2fable
command on a TypeScript file and also specify the F# output file. The F# namespace in taken from the output filename. In this example, it is Yargs
yarn add @types/yargs --dev
ts2fable node_modules/@types/yargs/index.d.ts src/Yargs.fs
You can also use --export
(or -e
) option to collect from multiple tsfiles
In below sample: All the related ts files in npm packages uifabric and office-ui-fabric-react will be compiled to OfficeReact.fs
as a bundle
ts2fable node_modules/office-ui-fabric-react/lib/index.d.ts test-compile/OfficeReact.fs -e uifabric office-ui-fabric-react
You can find more information about how to interact with JavaScript from F# here. Please note the parser is not perfect and some tweaking by hand may be needed. Please submit bugs as issues on GitHub.
You can also try out an in-browser version here
The online version will be updated automatically when commits is merged
Succesfull builds on the master branch are uploaded and tagged as next
. You can help us test these builds by installing them with:
yarn global add ts2fable@next
git clone https://github.com/fable-compiler/ts2fable
- Install all dependencies:
fake.cmd run build.fsx
git clone https://github.com/fable-compiler/ts2fable
./fake.sh run build.fsx
Common to all OS
dotnet restore dotnet-fake.proj
- In vscode, press
> Run Task > WatchTest - Add your test in
and prefix it with mochaonly
(See below sample)
Sample Test:
only "duplicated variable exports" <| fun _ ->
let tsPaths = ["node_modules/reactxp/dist/web/ReactXP.d.ts"]
let fsPath = "test-compile/ReactXP.fs"
testFsFiles tsPaths fsPath <| fun fsFiles ->
|> getTopVarialbles
|> List.countBy(fun vb -> vb.Name)
|> List.forall(fun (_,l) -> l = 1)
|> equal true
- Press F5 to debug this test
As above, clone then run fake.cmd run build.fsx
Now compile the local sources:
- Navigate to .tools:
cd ./tools
- compile:
dotnet fable yarn-fable-splitter -- ./src/ts2fable.fsproj --config ./tools/splitter.config.js --port free
This should have created a folder ./dist
You can now execute it through node: node ./dist/ts2fable.js C:\projects\MyCoolProject\node_modules\babylonjs\babylon.d.ts C:\projects\MyCoolProject\Bindings\BabylonJS\babylonjs.fs
Some JavaScript/TypeScript features have no direct translation to F#. Here is a list of common workarounds adopted by the parser to solve these problems:
- Erased unions: TypeScript union types work differently from F# and its only purpose is to specify the types allowed for a function argument. In F# they are translated as erased unions: they're checked at compiled time but they'll be removed from the generated JS code.
type CanvasRenderingContext2D =
abstract fillStyle: U3<string, CanvasGradient, CanvasPattern> with get, set
let ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D = failwith "dummy"
ctx.fillStyle <- U3.Case1 "#FF0000"
- Constructor functions: In JS any function can become a constructor just by
calling it with the
keyword. In the parsed files, interfaces with this capability will have aCreate
method attached:
type CanvasRenderingContext2DType =
abstract prototype: CanvasRenderingContext2D with get, set
[<Emit("new $0($1...)")>] abstract Create: unit -> CanvasRenderingContext2D
- Callable interfaces: In the same way, JS functions are just objects which
means applying arguments directly to any object is legal in JS. To convey, the
parser attaches an
method to callable interfaces:
type Express =
inherit Application
abstract version: string with get, set
abstract application: obj with get, set
[<Emit("$0($1...)")>] abstract Invoke: unit -> Application