A Full Stack Application of our Social Media App with a real-time chatting platform with make you to connect with their friends and the world with one click. We can experience this application in mobile, Web and Ios platforms, completely responsive design using Material UI.
Social Media Apps like instagram, facebook , snapchat are best in the industry and moving forward with that making our social media app with covers almost all features which bring out real-time experience to the users.
User features
- register and login users.
- post images can be uploaded using camera or file system.
- pagination on every pages.
- Dark mode.
- copy link of post.
- report post for spam.
- search other users by username.
- user suggestions menu.
- save any post to collection.
- saved posts page.
- delete posts and comments.
- admin panel is included.
- Explore page to view other posts by random users.
- notifications page.
- profile page.
- edit profile page user data.
- password is stored in database in encrypted format with salt.
- create and edit posts.
- like ,comment, share and edit posts.
- posts include text(caption) and image(s).
- comment on posts.
- reply comments.
- like commets.
- clear notification option.
- profile page shows user details and posts with following and followers menu.
Admin features
- admin panel shows total number of post ,users,reported posts etc.
- admin can create or assign other admin accounts.
- admin can see posts reported by more than specified number of users.
- admin can delete those reported posts.
- MERN Stack.
- React, Node Js, Express JS, MongoDB.
- Redux thunk - state management.
- Material UI.
- Cloudinary API - upload images.
- vscode: git clone https://github.com/Lisanle1/Social-Media-App.git
cd client
npm install && npm start
cd server
npm install && npm run dev
Note: Use mongodb atlas url and create cloudinary account to store your images. Paste your links in process.env respectively.
Admin Login
- email: admin@gmail.com
password: admin123
Users Login
User1 email: lisan@gmail.com
password: lisan123 -
User2 email: vishnu@gmail.com
password: vishnu123