Libperflogger is a library for monitoring frametimes in OpenGL/Vulkan games for Linux.
git clone
cd libperflogger
sudo make install
make install installs the libraries in /usr/local/lib/libperflogger, the script in /usr/local/bin and an ld config file into /etc/
LD_PRELOAD="${LD_PRELOAD}" <program>
Environment variables:
PERFLOGGER_LOG_DIR=<dir> # Directory for the logfile - no logfile is saved if not set
PERFLOGGER_USE_STDOUT=1 # Display performance information in stdout
The supplied script can be used to simplify usage once 'make install' is ran:
perflogger <program> [options]
--log_dir=<dir> # Same as PERFLOGGER_LOG_DIR
--use_stdout # Same as PERFLOGGER_USE_STDOUT=1
--help # Display a help message
To use in Steam games, set the following launch option:
perflogger %command%
LD_PRELOAD="${LD_PRELOAD}" %command%
For viewing the logfile with gnuplot:
gnuplot -p -e 'set ylabel "milliseconds"; set xlabel "frames"; set yrange [0:100]; plot"<log location>" with lines'