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Week 5-6: Gazebo sensors

This is how far we will get by the end of this lesson:

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1.1. Download ROS package
    1.2. Test the starter package
  2. Camera
    2.1. Image transport
    2.2. rqt reconfigure
    2.3. Wide angle camera
  3. IMU
    3.1. Sensor fusion with ekf
  4. GPS
    4.1. Haversine formula
    4.2. GPS waypoint following
  5. Lidar
    5.1. 3D lidar
  6. RGBD camera
  7. Image processing with OpenCV


After we built a simulated robot that we can drive around manually, we'll start adding various types of sensors to it. We'll see how to improve the odometry with sensor fusion using an IMI, how to follow GPS waypoints and we'll use various cameras and lidars.

Download ROS package

The starting package of this lesson is very similar to where we just finished in the previous lesson, but don't forget that every lesson has its own starter package that you can donwload from GitHub. To download the starter package clone the following git repo with the starter-branch (using the -b branch flag) to your colcon workspace:

git clone -b starter-branch

As we saw prevoiusly we can take a look what's inside the bme_gazebo_sensors package with the tree command!

├── CMakeLists.txt
├── package.xml
├── config
│   └── ekf.yaml
├── launch
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── meshes
│   ├── lidar.dae
│   ├── mogi_bot.dae
│   └── wheel.dae
├── rviz
│   ├── gps.rviz
│   ├── rviz.rviz
│   └── urdf.rviz
├── urdf
│   ├── materials.xacro
│   ├── mogi_bot.gazebo
│   └── mogi_bot.urdf
└── worlds
    ├── empty.sdf
    ├── home.sdf
    └── world.sdf

Let's see what will we do with the existing files and folders:

  • config: We usually store parameters and large configuration files for ROS packages which aren't comfortable to handle from the launchfiles directly. In this lesson we store the configuration file for the sensor fusion using the robot_localization package's Extended Kalman Filter.
  • launch: Default launch files are already part of the starting package, we can test the package with
  • meshes: this folder contains the 3D models in dae format (collada mesh) that we use for our robot's body, wheels and lidar sensor.
  • rviz: Pre-configured RViz2 layouts
  • urdf: The URDF models of our robot, we'll extend the mogi_bot.urdf and gazebo files through this lesson
  • worlds: default Gazebo worlds that we'll use in the simulations.

We have another package bme_gazebo_sensors_py for our python scripts:

├── bme_gazebo_sensors_py
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── package.xml
├── resource
│   └── bme_gazebo_sensors_py
├── setup.cfg

Test the starter package

After we downloaded the starter-branch from GitHub, let's rebuild the workspace and source the install/setup.bash file to make sure ROS and its tools are aware about the new package.

Then we can test the package with the usual launch file:

ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors

And we can also start a teleop node:

ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

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In the next chapters we will add various sensors with many different properties, if it's unclear what kind of properties are available for which sensors, the official SDF reference manual is available on the following link.


To add a camera - and every other sensors later - we have to change 2 files:

  1. The mogi_bot.urdf: we have to define the position, orientation and other physical properties of the camera in this file. This is not necessarily simulation dependent, we have to do these same changes in the urdf in case of a real robot with a real sensor.
  2. The mogi_bot.gazebo: this is fully simulation dependent, we have to define the properties of the simulated camera in this file.

Let's add the camera first to the mogi_bot.urdf:

  <!-- STEP 7 - Camera -->
  <joint type="fixed" name="camera_joint">
    <origin xyz="0.225 0 0.075" rpy="0 0 0"/>
    <child link="camera_link"/>
    <parent link="base_link"/>
    <axis xyz="0 1 0" />

  <link name='camera_link'>
    <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
      <mass value="0.1"/>
      <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
          ixx="1e-6" ixy="0" ixz="0"
          iyy="1e-6" iyz="0"

    <collision name='collision'>
      <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/> 
        <box size=".03 .03 .03"/>

    <visual name='camera_link_visual'>
      <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
        <box size=".03 .03 .03"/>


  <gazebo reference="camera_link">

  <joint type="fixed" name="camera_optical_joint">
    <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="-1.5707 0 -1.5707"/>
    <child link="camera_link_optical"/>
    <parent link="camera_link"/>

  <link name="camera_link_optical">

As we see above, the camera is a 3 x 3 x 3 cm cube, attached to the base_link with a fixed joint. But there is another thing, camera_link_optical which is connected to the camera_link through the camera_optical_joint! The purpose of this additional link and joint to solve the conflict between 2 different conventional coordinate systems:

  • By default, URDF uses the right-handed coordinate system with X forward, Y left, and Z up.
  • However, many ROS drivers and vision processing pipelines expect a camera’s optical axis to be aligned with Z forward, X to the right, and Y down.

camera_optical_joint applies a static rotation so that the camera data will be interpreted correctly by ROS tools that assume the Z-forward convention for image and depth sensors.

Now let's add the simulated camera into mogi_bot.gazebo:

  <gazebo reference="camera_link">
    <sensor name="camera" type="camera">
          <!-- Noise is sampled independently per pixel on each frame.
               That pixel's noise value is added to each of its color
               channels, which at that point lie in the range [0,1]. -->

Don't forget that the above code snippets must be placed within the already existing <robot> tag!

With the above plugin we define a couple of things for Gazebo, let's see the important ones one by one:

  • <gazebo reference="camera_link">, we have to refer to the camera_link that we defined in the urdf
  • <horizontal_fov>1.3962634</horizontal_fov>, the field of view of the simulated camera
  • width, height, format and update_rate, properties of the video stream
  • <optical_frame_id>camera_link_optical</optical_frame_id>, we have to use the camera_link_optical that we checked in details above to ensure the right static transformations between the coordinate systems
  • <camera_info_topic>camera/camera_info</camera_info_topic>, certain tools like rviz requires a camera_info topic that describes the physical properties of the camera. The topic's name must match camera's topic (in this case both are camera/...)
  • <topic>camera/image</topic>, we define the camera topic here

We can rebuild the workspace and try our changes, but it will not yet work. The camera's red cube model is visible but the topics aren't available for ROS (we can check it for example with rqt)

It's possible to reload the urdf without restarting the nodes by setting the parameter from the terminal:

ros2 param set /robot_state_publisher robot_description "$(xacro $(ros2 pkg prefix bme_gazebo_sensors)/share/bme_gazebo_sensors/urdf/mogi_bot.urdf)"

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With the new Gazebo simulator topics are not automatically forwarded as we already saw it in the previous lesson, we have to use the parameter_bridge of the ros_gz_bridge package. It has a very detailed readme what kind of topic types can be forwarded between ROS and Gazebo. We have to extend the arguments of the parameter_bridge in our launch file:

    # Node to bridge /cmd_vel and /odom
    gz_bridge_node = Node(

            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')},

Let's rebuild the workspace and try it again:

ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors

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Image transport

We can see that both /camera/camera_info and /camera/image topics are forwarded. Although this is still not the ideal way to forward the camera image from Gazebo. ROS has a very handy feature with it's image transport protocol plugins, it's able to automatically compress the video stream in the background without any additional work on our side. But this feature doesn't work together with parameter_bridge. Without compression the 640x480 camera stream consumes almost 20 MB/s network bandwith which is unacceptable for a wireless mobile robot.

Therefore there is a dedicated image_bridge node in the ros_gz_image package. Let's modify our launch file to the following:

    # Node to bridge /cmd_vel and /odom
    gz_bridge_node = Node(

            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')},

    # Node to bridge camera image with image_transport and compressed_image_transport
    gz_image_bridge_node = Node(
            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time'),
             'camera.image.compressed.jpeg_quality': 75},

We also have to add the new node to the launchDescription:


After rebuild we can try it using rqt and we will see huge improvement in the bandwith thanks to the jpeg compression. alt text

If compressed images are not visible in rqt, you have to install the plugins you want to use:

  • sudo apt install ros-jazzy-compressed-image-transport: for jpeg and png compression
  • sudo apt install ros-jazzy-theora-image-transport: for theora compression
  • sudo apt install ros-jazzy-zstd-image-transport: for zstd compression

But we face another issue, this time in RViz, the uncompressed camera stream is visible as before but the compressed one isn't due to the following warning:

Camera Info
Expecting Camera Info on topic [/camera/image/camera_info]. No CameraInfo received. Topic may not exist.

It's because RViz always expect the image and the camera_info topics with the same prefix which works well for:

/camera/image → /camera/camera_info

But doesn't work for:

/camera/image/compressed → /camera/image/camera_info

because we don't publish the camera_info to that topic. We could remap the camera_info to that topic, but then the uncompressed image won't work in RViz, so it's not the desired solution.

But there is another useful tool that we can use, the relay node from the topic_tools package:

    # Relay node to republish /camera/camera_info to /camera/image/camera_info
    relay_camera_info_node = Node(
        arguments=['camera/camera_info', 'camera/image/camera_info'],
            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')},

Of course, don't forget to add it to the launchDescription too:


If topic_tools is not installed you can install it with sudo apt install ros-jazzy-topic-tools

Rebuild the workspace and let's try it!

ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors

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rqt reconfigure

We already set up the jpeg quality in the image_bridge node with the following parameter:

'camera.image.compressed.jpeg_quality': 75

But how do we know what is the name of the parameter and what other settings do we can change? To see that we will use the rqt_reconfigure node.

First start the simulation:

ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors

Then start rqt_reconfigure:

ros2 run rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure

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We can play with the parameters here, change the compression or the algorithm as we wish and we can monitor it's impact with rqt.

Wide angle camera

Using wide angle or fisheye lens on mobile robots is quite common, but With the conventional camera simulation we cannot simply increase the field of view to get a wide angle distortion. To achieve this we need a different plugin, the wideangle_camera. Let's replace the camera simulation in the mogi_bot.gazebo to this one:

  <gazebo reference="camera_link">
    <sensor name="wideangle_camera" type="wideanglecamera">

After rebuilding the workspace we can try it out:

ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors

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As image it works in both rviz and in rqt but as a camera it doesn't work in RViz due to the following error:

[rviz2-2] [INFO] [1736112172.091762692] [rviz]: Message Filter dropping message: frame 'mogi_bot/base_footprint/wideangle_camera' at time 137.352 for reason 'discarding message because the queue is full'

As of ROS2 Jazzy and Gazebo Harmonic wideangle_camera has a bug and it ignores the optical_frame_id tag therefore RViz rejects visualizing it, we can also take a look on the header of the image topic:

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If we want to fix this problem we can re-publish the message with a corrected header, I created a very simply script that does this, it's part of the starter package and we can run the node with the following command:

ros2 run bme_gazebo_sensors_py image_republisher


An Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) typically consists of a 3-axis accelerometer, 3-axis gyroscope, and sometimes a 3-axis magnetometer. It measures linear acceleration, angular velocity, and possibly magnetic heading (orientation). It's important to remember that it's not possible to measure unform motion with an IMU where the velocity is constant (acceleration is zero) and there is no change in the orientation. Therefore we cannot replace the odometry of the robot with an IMU but with the right technique we can combine these two into a more precise measurement unit.

But first, let's add our IMU to the urdf:

  <!-- STEP 8 - IMU -->
  <joint name="imu_joint" type="fixed">
    <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
    <parent link="base_link"/>
    <child link="imu_link" />

  <link name="imu_link">

Which is a simple link and a fixed joint in the center of the base link. Let's add the plugin to the mogi_bot.gazebo file too:

  <gazebo reference="imu_link">
    <sensor name="imu" type="imu">

With adding the IMU we aren't done yet, with the new Gazebo we also have to make sure that our simulated world has the right plugins within its <world> tag. In this lesson I already added the plugins to each world files, but if you use your won custom made world, don't forget to add the plugins!


Before we try it out we also have to bridge the topics from Gazebo towards ROS using the parameter_bridge. Let's add the imu topic - or what we defined as <topic> in the Gazebo plugin - to the parameter bridge, rebuild the workspace and we are ready to test it!

To properly visualize IMU in RViz install the following plugin: sudo apt install ros-jazzy-rviz-imu-plugin

    # Node to bridge /cmd_vel and /odom
    gz_bridge_node = Node(
            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')},
ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors

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Sensor fusion with ekf

Sensor fusion is the process of combining data from multiple sensors (possibly of different types) to obtain a more accurate or more complete understanding of a system or environment than could be achieved by using the sensors separately. By merging redundant and complementary information, sensor fusion reduces uncertainty, mitigates individual sensor errors, and provides robust state estimates (e.g., position, velocity, orientation).

A Kalman Filter (KF) is a mathematical algorithm that estimates the internal state of a system (e.g., position, velocity) based on noisy measurements and a predictive model of how the system behaves. The standard (linear) Kalman Filter assumes the system dynamics (state transitions) and measurement models are linear.

Real-world systems—especially those involving orientation, rotations, or non-linear sensor models (e.g., fusing IMU acceleration, odometry, GPS position, magnetometer) often do not follow purely linear equations. That’s where the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) comes in. It's a widely used sensor fusion algorithm that handles non-linear system and measurement models by locally linearizing them. Luckily we don't have to bother too much about its implementation in this lesson because we'll use a package that is widely used in robotics applications for years around the world. It's the robot localization package that you can install with the following command:

sudo apt install ros-jazzy-robot-localization

To configure robot_localization package can be tricky in the beginning, but I already created a config yaml file in the config folder based on the official guidelines that will do the job in this lesson. Important to notice that robot_localization will publish a filtered odometry topic and also a transformation between the robot's base_link and this improved odometry coordinate system.

From the rqt_tf_tree tool we cannot tell which node is broadcasting the TF: alt text

Run rqt_tf_tree with the following command: ros2 run rqt_tf_tree rqt_tf_tree

But we can take a look into the /tf topic which nodes are publishing: ros2 topic info /tf --verbose

And we will see 2 publisher nodes, the ros_gz_bridge and the robot_state_publisher as we expected.

Since a robot cannot have 2 odomnetry transformation we have to stop Gazebo doing it. The easiest way is simply not bridging it anymore with the parameter_bridge.

    # Node to bridge /cmd_vel and /odom
    gz_bridge_node = Node(
            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')},

And then let's add the robot_localization to the launch file:

    ekf_node = Node(
            os.path.join(pkg_bme_gazebo_sensors, 'config', 'ekf.yaml'),
            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')},

And of course, add the new node to the launchDescription object:


Rebuild the workspace and let's try it out!

ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors

As we expected the tf_tree looks the same, but if we check the publishers of the /tf we'll see the following nodes: ekf_filter_node and robot_state_publisher. We can also see that there is a /odometry/filtered topic published by the ekf_filter_node.

But how could we validate that odometry is improved with adding the ekf sensor fusion? We can use the mogi_trajectory_server package for that. By default the trajectory server gets its data from the /tf but there is another node in the package that can subscribe to the original /odom topic which is basically identical to the old transformation between the base_link and odom frame. Let's add it to the launch file:

    trajectory_odom_topic_node = Node(
        parameters=[{'trajectory_topic': 'trajectory_raw'},
                    {'odometry_topic': 'odom'}]

Also add it to the launchDescription:


Rebuild the workspace, restart the simulation and let's see the 2 trajectories in RViz: alt text

We can see that the yellow (raw) odometry starts drifting away from the corrected one very quickly and we can easily bring the robot into a special situation if we drive on a curve and hit the wall. In this case the robot is unable to move and the wheels are slipping. The raw odometry believes from the encoder signals that the robot is still moving on a curve while the odometry after the ekf sensor fusion will believe that the robot moves forward straight. Although none of them are correct, but remember, neither the IMU and neither the odometry can tell if the robot is doing an uniform movement or it's stand still. At least the ekf is able to properly tell that the robot's orientation is not changing regardless what the encoders measure.


Just as we did for the GPS we add another simple link and joint for the simulated GPS in the urdf:

  <!-- STEP 9 - GPS -->
  <joint name="navsat_joint" type="fixed">
    <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
    <parent link="base_link"/>
    <child link="navsat_link" />

  <link name="navsat_link">

And we add the Gazebo plugin:

  <gazebo reference="navsat_link">
    <sensor name="navsat" type="navsat">

We also have to add a plugin the worlds we use similarly to the IMU and furthermore we have to define what is the latitude and longitude of the centerpoint of the simulated world.

    <!-- Set the coordinates for the world origin -->

When all of these are done, we have to still extend the topic forwarding in the parameter_bridge:

    # Node to bridge /cmd_vel and /odom
    gz_bridge_node = Node(
            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')},

Let's rebuild the workspace and check the navsat topic. alt text

But what can we do with this simulated GPS?

Haversine formula

Before we can move forward to practical application we have to learn the haversine formula. It is used to calculate the great-circle distance between two points on a sphere (e.g. the Earth) from their latitudes and longitudes. It accounts for the spherical shape of the planet, making it more accurate than simple Euclidean distance formulas when dealing with geographical coordinates. By using half-angle trigonometric functions, it avoids numerical issues for small distances and is thus a popular choice in navigation and mapping applications.

The haversine formula results in a distance and bearing between 2 points on the sphere, where the bearing is measured clockwise from north. 0° bearing corresponds to North, 90° bearing corresponds to East, etc.

Let's see the haversine formula implemented in python and we can try it with a few different cities:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import math

def haversine(lat1_deg, lon1_deg, lat2_deg, lon2_deg):
    # 0. Radius of earth in km
    R = 6378.137
    # 1. Convert from degrees to radians
    lat1 = math.radians(lat1_deg)
    lon1 = math.radians(lon1_deg)
    lat2 = math.radians(lat2_deg)
    lon2 = math.radians(lon2_deg)

    # 2. Haversine formula for distance
    dlat = lat2 - lat1
    dlon = lon2 - lon1

    a = math.sin(dlat / 2) ** 2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.sin(dlon / 2) ** 2
    c = 2 * math.asin(math.sqrt(a))
    distance_km = R * c

    # 3. Initial bearing calculation (forward azimuth)
    y = math.sin(dlon) * math.cos(lat2)
    x = math.cos(lat1) * math.sin(lat2) - math.sin(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(dlon)
    bearing_rad = math.atan2(y, x)  # range -Ď€ to +Ď€

    # 4. Convert to degrees [0, 360)
    bearing_deg = math.degrees(bearing_rad)
    bearing_deg = (bearing_deg + 360) % 360  # normalize

    return distance_km, bearing_deg

# (latitude, longitude)
new_york   = (40.66964055858272,  -73.2918438988026)
montreal   = (45.499155994690476, -73.5187471087869)
madrid     = (40.42545972472332, -3.577711461862623)
glasgow    = (55.86725614373743,  -4.22935951146214)
copenhagen = (55.711247305054904, 12.585837172964045)

print("New York to Montreal: ", haversine(new_york[0],new_york[1],montreal[0],montreal[1]))    # Should be 540 km
print("New York to Madrid: ", haversine(new_york[0],new_york[1],madrid[0],madrid[1]))          # Should be 5730 km
print("Glasgow to Madrid: ", haversine(glasgow[0],glasgow[1],madrid[0],madrid[1]))             # Should be 1720 km
print("Copenhagen to Glasgow: ", haversine(copenhagen[0],copenhagen[1],glasgow[0],glasgow[1])) # Should be 1050 km

The results are the following:

$ python 
New York to Montreal:  (537.9349305919243, 358.1117237377836)
New York to Madrid:  (5730.769414305992, 65.87069002082472)
Glasgow to Madrid:  (1719.634568091304, 178.13731351039723)
Copenhagen to Glasgow:  (1049.9843791993976, 277.9072459115459)

Which is pretty much what we expected, except the bearing from New York to Madrid. Madrid is just perfectly to the east from New York, but the bearing isn't even close to 90°. Great-circle navigation on a sphere (or ellipsoid) doesn’t always match our intuitive “straight line on a flat map”. Despite New York and Madrid having similar latitudes, the difference in longitude is large (roughly 70° of longitude). To reach Madrid along the shortest path, the great-circle solution will “curve” somewhat. The initial bearing in a great-circle sense is typically northeast (less than 90°), because you tend to move slightly northward initially before you “swing” back southward across the Atlantic. This yields an initial bearing from New York to Madrid around 66° which is noticeably less than 90°.

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GPS waypoint following

Let's get back to our lesson and navigate through a series of GPS waypoints using the above formula. Before we deep dive into our new node let's make sure that the necessary RViz plugin is installed to show an aerial map in RViz. This plugin can use various map services (e.g. OpenStreetMap in our case), and you can find the details about its setup on its GitHub page.

sudo apt install ros-jazzy-rviz-satellite

Let's spawn our robot in an empty world with a different RViz config where the plugin is already configured:

ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors world:=empty.sdf rviz_config:=gps.rviz x:=0.0 y:=0.0 yaw:=0.0

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Let's take a look on the which is part of this lesson. It uses the exact same haversine function, but this time we'll use it in meters and radian instead of km and degrees.

To get the yaw angle of the robot we will have to convert the robot's orientation in quaternion into Euler angles. Make sure that the necessary package is installed: sudo apt install ros-jazzy-tf-transformations

    def imu_callback(self, msg):
        orientation_q = msg.orientation
        orientation_list = [orientation_q.x, orientation_q.y, orientation_q.z, orientation_q.w]
        (self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw) = euler_from_quaternion (orientation_list)

Also note that the default convention for ROS for rotations around the z-axis follows the right hand rule. Consequently, rotating counterclockwise about the z-axis corresponds to a positive increase in yaw, while rotating clockwise corresponds to a negative yaw change. But bearing is a compass-like convention: 0° at North, increasing when turning clockwise. So we have to make sure that the we convert bearing to the same convention as the robot's yaw angle.

Let's start the node:

ros2 run bme_gazebo_sensors_py gps_waypoint_follower

The node will navigate through 4 waypoints and stops after that.

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LIDAR (an acronym for “Light Detection and Ranging” or “Laser Imaging, Detection, and Ranging”) is a sensing technology that uses laser light to measure distances. LIDAR sensor typically emits pulses of laser light in a scanning pattern (2D or 3D) and measures how long it takes for the light to return after hitting nearby objects. From this, the system computes distances to obstacles or surfaces in the environment. By continuously scanning the surroundings, the LIDAR provides a 2D or 3D map of distances to any objects around the robot. Lidars are simple and important sensors of almost every mobile robot applications, it's widely used in Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms which use LIDAR scans to build a map of the environment in real time while also estimating the robot’s pose (position and orientation) within that map.

First, we start with a simple 2D lidar, let's add it to the urdf:

  <!-- STEP 10 - Lidar -->
  <joint type="fixed" name="scan_joint">
    <origin xyz="0.0 0 0.15" rpy="0 0 0"/>
    <child link="scan_link"/>
    <parent link="base_link"/>
    <axis xyz="0 1 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>

  <link name='scan_link'>
      <mass value="1e-5"/>
      <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
          ixx="1e-6" ixy="0" ixz="0"
          iyy="1e-6" iyz="0"
    <collision name='collision'>
      <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/> 
        <box size=".1 .1 .1"/>

    <visual name='scan_link_visual'>
      <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0"/>
        <mesh filename = "package://bme_gazebo_sensors/meshes/lidar.dae"/>

Then add the plugin to the mogi_bot.gazebo file:

  <gazebo reference="scan_link">
    <sensor name="gpu_lidar" type="gpu_lidar">
            <!--(max_angle-min_angle)/samples * resolution -->
          <!-- Dirty hack for fake lidar detections with ogre 1 rendering in VM -->
          <!-- <vertical>
          </vertical> -->

If you are using OGRE 1 rendering in VM and lidar reading is not properly rendered (it renders only within a small circle around the sensor) you can try to enable 3 vertical samples with very small vertical angles.

Before we can test our lidar we have to update the parameter_bridge to forward the lidar scan topic:

    # Node to bridge /cmd_vel and /odom
    gz_bridge_node = Node(
            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')},

Let's try it in the simulation!

ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors

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We can also verify the rendering of lidars in Gazebo with the Visualize Lidar tool:

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If we increase decay time of the visualization of lidar scans and we drive around the robot we can do a very simple "mapping" of the environment. Although in the next lesson we will see that mapping algorithms are more complicated, usually this a good quick and dirty test on real robots if odometry, lidar scan and the other components are working well together.

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3D lidar

If we want to simulate a 3D lidar we only have to increase the number of vertical samples together with the minimum and maximum angles. For example the following vertical parameters are matching a Velodyne VLP-32 sensor:


To properly visualize a 3D point cloud in RViz we have to forward one more topic with parameter_bridge:

    # Node to bridge /cmd_vel and /odom
    gz_bridge_node = Node(
            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')},
ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors

alt text

We can also increase the decay time just as we did with the 2D points.

alt text

RGBD Camera

Another way to get 3D pointclouds around the robot is using an RGBD camera which can tell not just the color but also the depth of every single pixel. To add an RGBD camera let's replace the conventional camera with this one:

  <gazebo reference="camera_link">
    <sensor name="rgbd_camera" type="rgbd_camera">

And let's forward 2 topics with the parameter_bridge:

  • the /camera/depth_image which provides a grayscale camera stream where the grayscale values correspond to the distance of the individual pixels. RViz is able to render depth image topic and the color image topic together as a depth cloud. alt text

  • the /camera/points which is a 3D pointcloud, the same type as the 3D lidar's point cloud. We can visualize it in RViz just as any point clouds.

Let's add the topics to the parameter bridge:

    # Node to bridge /cmd_vel and /odom
    gz_bridge_node = Node(
            {'use_sim_time': LaunchConfiguration('use_sim_time')},

Rebuild the workspace and let's start the simulation:

ros2 launch bme_gazebo_sensors

alt text

The orientation of 3D point cloud isn't correct because it's interpreted in the camera_link_optical frame, let's change the Gazebo plugin a little bit:


After rebuild we can try it out:

alt text

Just as we saw before we can adjust the decay time to keep rendering the previous points:

alt text

Gazebo support many more different sensors that we won't cover in this lesson, you can find more examples on the following link.

Image processing with OpenCV

In this last chapter we'll learn how to implement our own node for image processing using ROS and OpenCV. First, let's switch back to a conventional camera and create the new node within the bme_gazebo_sensors_py package.

If we want to use OpenCV and other python modules from a python virtual environment, we'll have to add the following to the setup.cfg file inside our python package:

executable = /usr/bin/env python3

I'll name it because it will make our robot following a simulated red ball. But as the first step we just write a node that subscribes to the /camera/image topic, converts it to OpenCV compatible frame and dispays it using OpenCV:

import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
from cv_bridge import CvBridge
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
import cv2
import numpy as np
import threading

class ImageSubscriber(Node):
    def __init__(self):
        # Create a subscriber with a queue size of 1 to only keep the last frame
        self.subscription = self.create_subscription(
            1  # Queue size of 1

        self.publisher = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', 10)
        # Initialize CvBridge
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        # Variable to store the latest frame
        self.latest_frame = None       

        # Flag to control the display loop
        self.running = True 

    def image_callback(self, msg):
        """Callback function to receive and store the latest frame."""
        # Convert ROS Image message to OpenCV format and store it
        self.latest_frame = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "bgr8")

    def display_image(self):
        """Main loop to process and display the latest frame."""
        # Create a single OpenCV window
        cv2.namedWindow("frame", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.resizeWindow("frame", 800,600)

        while rclpy.ok():
            # Check if there is a new frame available
            if self.latest_frame is not None:

                # Process the current image

                # Show the latest frame
                cv2.imshow("frame", self.latest_frame)
                self.latest_frame = None  # Clear the frame after displaying

            # Check for quit key
            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
                self.running = False

            rclpy.spin_once(self, timeout_sec=0.05)

        # Close OpenCV window after quitting
        self.running = False

    def process_image(self, img):
        """Image processing task."""

def main(args=None):

    print("OpenCV version: %s" % cv2.__version__)

    node = ImageSubscriber()
        node.display_image()  # Run the display loop
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

if __name__ == '__main__':

We can quit the node if we press the q key on the OpenCV window!

You have to install OpenCV for your python using pip or pipx depending your setup for python virtual environments, during these lessons I'm using OpenCV version 4.6.0. You also have to install the ROS-OpenCV bridge with sudo apt install ros-jazzy-cv-bridge.

When everything is installed we have to add the new node to entry_points of the

        'console_scripts': [
            'image_republisher = bme_gazebo_sensors_py.image_republisher:main',
            'gps_waypoint_follower = bme_gazebo_sensors_py.gps_waypoint_follower:main',
            'chase_the_ball = bme_gazebo_sensors_py.chase_the_ball:main',

Let's try it out after building the workspace, first we start the simulation then in another terminal we run the new node:

ros2 run bme_gazebo_sensors_py chase_the_ball

alt text

As you can see the process_image() function is now just a placeholder and we'll start implementing more features within this function later, but first let's extend the node with better handling of the subscription to the image topic. If process_image() will take more time to run it will also block the execution of rclpy.spin_once(self, timeout_sec=0.05) that is needed to trigger the image_callback(). So let's move the spin functionality to a separate thread:

Let's change the __init__() constructor first:

    def __init__(self):
        # Create a subscriber with a queue size of 1 to only keep the last frame
        self.subscription = self.create_subscription(
            1  # Queue size of 1

        self.publisher = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', 10)
        # Initialize CvBridge
        self.bridge = CvBridge()
        # Variable to store the latest frame
        self.latest_frame = None
        self.frame_lock = threading.Lock()  # Lock to ensure thread safety
        # Flag to control the display loop
        self.running = True

        # Start a separate thread for spinning (to ensure image_callback keeps receiving new frames)
        self.spin_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.spin_thread_func)

and then add the spin_thread_func() function and also implement a thread lock in image_callback():

    def spin_thread_func(self):
        """Separate thread function for rclpy spinning."""
        while rclpy.ok() and self.running:
            rclpy.spin_once(self, timeout_sec=0.05)

    def image_callback(self, msg):
        """Callback function to receive and store the latest frame."""
        # Convert ROS Image message to OpenCV format and store it
        with self.frame_lock:
            self.latest_frame = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(msg, "bgr8")

Obviously, we don't need rclpy.spin_once(self, timeout_sec=0.05) anymore within display_image()!

Let's add a stop() function, too, to join the therads when we stop the node:

    def stop(self):
        """Stop the node and the spin thread."""
        self.running = False

And we'll call this stop() function when we stop the node in the main() function:

def main(args=None):
    node = ImageSubscriber()
        node.display_image()  # Run the display loop
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        node.stop()  # Ensure the spin thread and node stop properly

Let's rebuild the workspace and try the node! We shouldn't see any difference at this point, but the image callback is triggered on a separate thread now!

Now let's work on the image processing:

    def process_image(self, img):
        """Image processing task."""
        msg = Twist()
        msg.linear.x = 0.0
        msg.linear.y = 0.0
        msg.linear.z = 0.0
        msg.angular.x = 0.0
        msg.angular.y = 0.0
        msg.angular.z = 0.0

        rows,cols = img.shape[:2]

        R,G,B = self.convert2rgb(img)

        redMask = self.threshold_binary(R, (220, 255))
        stackedMask = np.dstack((redMask, redMask, redMask))
        contourMask = stackedMask.copy()
        crosshairMask = stackedMask.copy()

        # return value of findContours depends on OpenCV version
        (contours, hierarchy) = cv2.findContours(redMask.copy(), 1, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE)

        # Find the biggest contour (if detected)
        if len(contours) > 0:
            c = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea)
            M = cv2.moments(c)

            # Make sure that "m00" won't cause ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
            if M["m00"] != 0:
                cx = int(M["m10"] / M["m00"])
                cy = int(M["m01"] / M["m00"])
                cx, cy = 0, 0

            # Show contour and centroid
            cv2.drawContours(contourMask, contours, -1, (0,255,0), 10)
  , (cx, cy), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1)

            # Show crosshair and difference from middle point

        # Return processed frames
        return redMask, contourMask, crosshairMask

    # Convert to RGB channels
    def convert2rgb(self, img):
        R = img[:, :, 2]
        G = img[:, :, 1]
        B = img[:, :, 0]

        return R, G, B

    # Apply threshold and result a binary image
    def threshold_binary(self, img, thresh=(200, 255)):
        binary = np.zeros_like(img)
        binary[(img >= thresh[0]) & (img <= thresh[1])] = 1

        return binary*255

Let's handle the return values of the process_image() and display them within the display_image():

    def display_image(self):
        """Main loop to process and display the latest frame."""
        # Create a single OpenCV window
        cv2.namedWindow("frame", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.resizeWindow("frame", 800,600)

        while rclpy.ok():
            # Check if there is a new frame available
            if self.latest_frame is not None:

                # Process the current image
                mask, contour, crosshair = self.process_image(self.latest_frame)

                # Show the latest frame
                cv2.imshow("frame", self.latest_frame)
                cv2.imshow("mask", mask)
                cv2.imshow("contour", contour)
                cv2.imshow("crosshair", crosshair)
                self.latest_frame = None  # Clear the frame after displaying

            # Check for quit key
            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
                self.running = False

        # Close OpenCV window after quitting
        self.running = False

This time the node will open 4 OpenCV windows and try to find the red ball on the image. Let's add a red ball to the simulation first using the Resource Spawner plugin of Gazebo: alt text

Then let's see the new windows of our node:

alt text

Handling many OpenCV windows can be uncomfortable, so before we start following the ball, let's overlay the output of the image processing on the camera frame:

    # Add small images to the top row of the main image
    def add_small_pictures(self, img, small_images, size=(160, 120)):

        x_base_offset = 40
        y_base_offset = 10

        x_offset = x_base_offset
        y_offset = y_base_offset

        for small in small_images:
            small = cv2.resize(small, size)
            if len(small.shape) == 2:
                small = np.dstack((small, small, small))

            img[y_offset: y_offset + size[1], x_offset: x_offset + size[0]] = small

            x_offset += size[0] + x_base_offset

        return img

Let's modify the display_image() function:

    def display_image(self):
        """Main loop to process and display the latest frame."""
        # Create a single OpenCV window
        cv2.namedWindow("frame", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
        cv2.resizeWindow("frame", 800,600)

        while rclpy.ok():
            # Check if there is a new frame available
            if self.latest_frame is not None:

                # Process the current image
                mask, contour, crosshair = self.process_image(self.latest_frame)

                # Add processed images as small images on top of main image
                result = self.add_small_pictures(self.latest_frame, [mask, contour, crosshair])

                # Show the latest frame
                cv2.imshow("frame", result)
                self.latest_frame = None  # Clear the frame after displaying

            # Check for quit key
            if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
                self.running = False

        # Close OpenCV window after quitting
        self.running = False

alt text

The last step is to add the following feature to the process_image() function righ after creating the crosshair image:

            # Chase the ball
            if abs(cols/2 - cx) > 20:
                msg.linear.x = 0.0
                if cols/2 > cx:
                    msg.angular.z = 0.2
                    msg.angular.z = -0.2

                msg.linear.x = 0.2
                msg.angular.z = 0.0

            msg.linear.x = 0.0
            msg.angular.z = 0.0

        # Publish cmd_vel

And now the robot is able to follow the red ball in the Gazebo simulation: