WBC is a dashboard of world bank indicators displayed on a 2x2 grid. You can reach WBC here: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator
Simplicity was my goal. I wanted different indicators of various countries shown in an overview to explore relations not normally considered. Something like illegal mining and drug trade in neighbouring countries, for example.
The indicators are fetched using the wbgapi python library. Graphs are build with plotly.graph_objects.
I've considered rebuilding it with html and D3 charts to address long indicator names, legends and spacing.
You can take this project as a base for your own dashboard.
- clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:MaCoZu/WB-Commander.git
- navigate in the repo and create a new virtual environment (venv)
- there are many options for virtual environments I use micromamba and my commaands are
micromamaba create -n env_name -f requirements.txt -c conda-forge
- once installed and in the right folder app.py ran be run with
python app.py
- the dashboard should run on a specified server adress or better still it opens in a browser tab, if you've a Server Extension like Five Server installed.
Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests if you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.