Everyone in the country knows who the President is, but do you know your senate members? Do you know who your House Representatives are? What about your local representatives? What is congress voting on today? Many people have no idea what their representatives are doing for them on a daily basis. With For The People you can explore all of your representatives, and know exactly what they are doing for their constituents on a daily basis. Take an active role in your country and community with one easy to access interface.
We’ve been told since we were young to take an active role in our government and contact our representatives if we have a problem or suggestions regarding specific policies. However, very few people actually do this. This application will provide an interface in which citizens can more easily take part in the political process.
- C#/.NET
- Entity Framework
- Identity
- ProPublica Congress API
- Google Civic API
- User Authentication
- View a List of all active Senate members
- View a List of all active House Representatives
- Search for your City and see a List of your Local Representatives: County Commisioners, Mayor, Sheriff, District Attorney, etc.
- See a list of all legislature being proposed on a daily basis
- See a list of all passed and vetoed legislature
- Add notes on individual representatives or legislature in order to keep track of your own thoughts/research
Shoutout to my mentor Adam Sheaffer for all of his help through this process.