SimplyOptions is a platform streamlining private share trading with secure API integrations. It allows existing shareholders (e.g., former employees of the private company) to list their shares, it also allows investors or potentail buyers to post their offer. The platform also provide admin panel for issuers(company representative) to approve or reject transactions with full access to all historical transactions.
Live website is here :
I used the following tools to build this web application :
Platform description on home page.
Authentication with strict error handling
Landing page with all available instruments. User can also dynamically search a specific one at search bar
By selecting specific instrument, it will direct user to the instrument page.
User can see all relevant informaiton, ask SimpleBuddy(Gen AI Chatbox) any questions about the company and instrument.
User can also place offer or list their shares
Platform comes with strict rules on certain opertations. A detailed guide is provided at user menu.
User can take the counterparty offer to enter a transaction, which will become a pending transaction waiting for issuer's decision
At User Dashboard, user can deposit or withdraw funds, update existing listing or offers, and review historical settled transactions.
At the issuer panel, the issuer role user can see company info, update company info or unlist company from the platform.
The issuer user can also add a company instrument, see the full list of instruments info, update or delete an instrument.
The issuer user can also approve or reject any pending transactions, and see all settled tranasctions.