LoadBalance Routing and Forwarding Application @ ONOS
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Knowledge articles: ONOS:负载均衡路由算法及应用开发(一), ONOS:负载均衡路由算法及应用开发(二)
2019.01.17 Update and release 1.2 to adapt ONOS 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT version, backed by Apache Karaf 4.2.2
2018.05.15 Update and release 1.1 to adapt ONOS 1.14.0-SNAPSHOT version, backed by Apache Karaf 3.0.8
2017.03.28 Build, run and test. All pass. Release 1.0 for ONOS 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT version.
- Embed me with ONOS codebase
- Modify the $ONOS_ROOT/tools/build/bazel/modules.bzl file, refer to modules.bzl__available_example file
- Build whole ONOS by bazel. (You can use my utility script for ONOS: https://github.com/MaoJianwei/SDN_Scripts/blob/master/ONOS/autoONOS_Bazel.sh)
Out-of-date: I provide pom.xml for importing this project to Intellij IDEA or other IDE by maven, but you should NOT use maven to compile me, and maven may fail.
You can find all milestone versions at Release page.
If you use ONOS around 1.14.0-SNAPSHOT version, you can checkout to this commit history:
If you use ONOS around 1.9.0-SNAPSHOT version, you can checkout to this commit history:
Long term support(LTS) from 2018.05.15, by:
:) Jianwei Mao @ BUPT FNLab - ONOS China Ambassador - MaoJianwei2020@gmail.com / MaoJianwei2012@126.com