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Releases: Maplespe/DWMBlurGlass

2.3.1 Release

12 Mar 11:42
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增加了一个选项 "关闭Dcomp帧率限制" 在"高级"页面, 允许你解除背景的30帧刷新率限制 #460
增加了一个内置优化, 标题栏字幕按钮的颜色现在会根据你设置的混合颜色自动切换亮暗样式 #279 #380 #427
崩溃信息弹窗增加了一个"重试"按钮, 如果dwm崩溃, 可以点击"重试"尝试重新加载DWMBlurGlass

稳定性改善和优化 GUI样式优化

修复了24H2修改文本颜色无效的bug #445
修复启用"还原win7样式标题栏按钮尺寸"后导致按钮错位或dwm概率崩溃的问题 #435
修复"启用win7样式标题栏按钮发光效果"没有对帮助按钮添加发光效果的问题 #444
修复Aero效果Alpha颜色不正确的问题 #493
修复Acrylic效果噪点纹理显示不正确的问题 #445 #490
修复Luminosity参数在Mica效果下不生效的问题 #491
修复在启动一些基于Electron框架或者Dcomp合成背景的应用程序缺失预览视图与缩略图 并造成崩溃的问题 #414 #422 #436 #454 #455 #458 #459 #466 #482 #492
修复在启用"使用系统主题色RGB取代颜色设置RGB"选项时 DWM概率崩溃的问题

Added an option "Disable Dcomp framerate limit" in the "Advanced" page that allows you to disable the 30 fps framerate limit for backgrounds. #460
Added a built-in optimization, the caption button color now automatically switches between light and dark styles based on the Blend color you set. #279 #380 #427
Added a "Retry" button in the crash message popup window, if dwm crashes, you can click "Retry" to try to reload DWMBlurGlass.

Stability improvement and optimization. GUI style optimization.
Reduced size when generating dump files.

Fixed the bug that modifying text color in 24H2 is invalid. #445
Fixed the issue of button misalignment or DWM probability crash caused by enabling "Restore Win7 style title bar button size". #435
Fixed the issue where the "Enable Win7 style title bar button glow" did not add a glow effect to the Question button. #444
Fix the issue of incorrect Alpha color of Aero effect. #493
Fix the issue of incorrect display of Acrylic effect noise texture. #445 #490
Fix the issue that Luminosity parameter doesn't work with Mica effect. #491
Fix the issue of missing preview views and thumbnails and causing a crash when launching
some applications based on Electron framework or Dcomp composite backgrounds. #414 #422 #436 #454 #455 #458 #459 #466 #482 #492
Fix a probable crash of DWM when "Use Accent color to override color settings RGB" option is enabled.

Translation Updates.
Thanks (in order of last submission):

Russian(ru-Ru) - @shikulja
Spanish(es) - @xoascf
Italian(it-IT) @LuisYeah1234-hub
Traditional Chinese(zh-TW) @railyinu
European Portuguese(pt-PT) @Blackshot3312

2.3.1 Beta

07 Jan 06:26
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2.3.1 Beta Pre-release

+ 修复启用"还原win7样式标题栏按钮尺寸"后导致按钮错位或dwm概率崩溃的问题 (2024.1.8)
+ 修复"启用win7样式标题栏按钮发光效果"没有对帮助按钮添加发光效果的问题 (2024.1.8)

Stability improvement and optimization.
Fixed the bug that modifying text color in 24H2 is invalid.
GUI style optimization.
Reduced size when generating dump files.
+ Fixed the issue of button misalignment or DWM probability crash caused by enabling "Restore Win7 style title bar button size". (2024.1.8)
+ Fixed the issue where the "Enable Win7 style title bar button glow" did not add a glow effect to the Question button. (2024.1.8)

Translation Updates.
Thanks (in order of last submission):

Russian(ru-Ru) - @shikulja
Spanish(es) - @xoascf
Italian(it-IT) @LuisYeah1234-hub
Traditional Chinese(zh-TW) @railyinu


27 Nov 13:11
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支持了Windows 11 24H2 #402 #405

增加了新的选项启用win7样式标题栏按钮发光效果 (仅限CustomBlur方法) #23
增加了新的选项在省电模式下关闭效果" 允许你在省电模式下依然启用DWMBlurGlass(仅限CustomBlur方法)
增加了新的选项启用模糊渲染优化 如果启用渲染优化 将降低系统模糊效果的质量以及内核规模来降低GPU使用 但模糊质量会下降 #200 #243 #343
增加了异常转储功能,如果dwm发生崩溃将在data\dumps目录生成存转储文件 在报告bug时将它提供给我们以便开发者分析和解决问题
将GUI从MiaoUI Core迁移到了开源的MiaoUI Lite 现在你可以自由编译完整的项目包括GUI


优化和修复了Windows10的面剔除优化 默认开启 #200 #243 #343

修复了GUI中修改HEX颜色值不生效的bug #307
修复了Aero反射在多显示器截断的bug #136 #241 #280
修复了RTL文本镜像的问题 #138
修复了部分应用程序的呈现效果不正常 #219 #268 #320
修复了覆盖Accent功能导致部分应用背景透明的和颜色错误bug #285 #289 #304 #329 #338
修复了使用系统Accent颜色的情况下重启后没有正确生效的bug #299
修复了重启dwm进程后没有正确跟随系统透明效果和省电模式选项的bug #301

稳定性改善和优化 #296 #346 #390

Russian(ru-Ru) - @shikulja
Spanish (es-ES) - @xoascf
Turkish (tr-TR) - @baglayan
Italian (it-IT) - @LuisYeah1234-hub
Korean (ko-KR) - @Longhorn004
Trad.Chinese (zh-TW) - @railyinu
Vietnamese (vi-VN) - @reggyxt
German (de-DE) - @akaydev-coder
Japanese (ja-JP) - @FreshP-0325

New features

This release refactors most of the code to bring better stability and performance.
Added support for Windows 11 24H2. #402 #405

Added new option Enable Win7 style titlebar button glow (CustomBlur method only) #23
Added new option Disable the effect in power-saving mode which allows you to enable DWMBlurGlass even in power saving mode.
Added new option Enable blur rendering optimization If Rendering Optimization is enabled,
it will reduce the quality of the system blurring effect as well as the kernel size to reduce GPU usage, but the quality of the blurring will be degraded. #200 #243 #343
Added an exception dump function, if dwm crashes, a dump file will be generated in the data\dumps directory Provide it to us when reporting
bugs so that developers can analyze and solve the problem.
Migrated the GUI from MiaoUI Core to the open source MiaoUI Lite Now you can freely compile complete projects including the GUI.

Optimization and Bug Fixes

Optimized and fixed surface culling optimization for Windows 10 On by default.

Fixed the bug that modifying HEX color value in GUI does not take effect. #307
Fixed the bug that Aero reflections are truncated on multiple monitors. #136 #241 #280
Fixed issue with RTL text mirroring. #138
Fixed abnormal rendering of some apps. #219 #268 #320
Fixed the bug that "Override AccentBlur effect" causes the background of some apps to be transparent and incorrectly colored. #285 #289 #304 #329 #338
Fixed the bug that "Use Accent color to override color settings RGB" did not work correctly after reboot. #299
Fixed the bug that restarting the dwm process did not properly follow the system transparency effect and power saving mode options. #301

Stability improvement and optimization. #296 #346 #390

Translation Updates.
Thanks (in order of last submission):
Russian(ru-Ru) - @shikulja
Spanish (es-ES) - @xoascf
Turkish (tr-TR) - @baglayan
Italian (it-IT) - @LuisYeah1234-hub
Korean (ko-KR) - @Longhorn004
Trad.Chinese (zh-TW) - @railyinu
Vietnamese (vi-VN) - @reggyxt
German (de-DE) - @akaydev-coder
Japanese (ja-JP) - @FreshP-0325


26 Apr 13:37
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增加了新AeroBackdrop的GUI设置选项 #234
增加了动画效果开关,以及动画效果时长的设置选项 #96
增加了使用系统主题色覆盖DWMBlurGlass的RGB颜色的选项 #86
增加了节电模式效果,如果系统处于节电模式将自动禁用模糊效果 #261
增加了RDP远程桌面模式下的效果支持,以及dwm崩溃自动重载功能(并具有异常检查) #160 #40

GUI颜色选择器中增加了HEX颜色值编辑框 #173
CustomBlur适应了系统设置-个性化-颜色中的"透明效果"开关,可以通过系统设置关闭或开启模糊效果 #152


修复了重启计算机后概率无法加载的bug #149 #161
修复了Windows10选择Mica之后崩溃的bug #244
优化了AeroBackdrop的效果,感谢 @kfh83

将"减少标题栏按钮高度 (win7样式)"更名为"还原win7样式标题栏按钮尺寸" 并优化了按钮偏移量和尺寸以及计算方法

如果自动计算的偏移量不正确 或您想自定义偏移量 现在可以通过config.ini添加"titlebtnOffsetX"来修改X偏移位置
默认值 -1 为自动计算 大于-1将使用目标的值


法语 - @snarkbe
俄语 - @shikulja
土耳其语 - @baglayan

New features

Added GUI setting options for the new AeroBackdrop. #234
Added an animation effect switch, and an option to set the duration of the animation effect. #86
Added option to override Accent blur effect.
Added option to use system theme color to override the RGB color of DWMBlurGlass. #86
Added adjustable options for Aero reflection texture opacity.
Added power saving mode effect, which will automatically disable the blur effect if the system is in power saving mode. #261
Added support for effects in RDP remote desktop mode, as well as automatic overloading of dwm crashes (with exception checking).

The GUI color selector has added a HEX color value editing box. #173
CustomimBlur adapts to the "Transparent Effect" switch in "System Settings - Personalization - Colors", which can be turned off or on through the system settings. #152

Optimization and Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where the probability of not being able to load after restarting the computer. #149 #161
Fixed a bug in Windows 10 that crashed after selecting Mica. #244
Optimized the effect of AeroBackdrop, thank you @kfh83.

Renamed "Reduce Title Bar Button Height (Win7 Style)" to "Restore Win7 style title bar button size" and optimized button offset, size, and calculation method.
The title bar button style will now be 1:1 pixels back to Windows 7 size.
If the automatically calculated offset is not correct or you want to customize the offset you can now change the X offset by adding "titlelebtnOffsetX" to config.ini.
Default value -1 is calculated automatically. Greater than -1 the value of the target will be used.


Translation Updates.
Thanks to
French - @snarkbe
Russian - @shikulja
Turkish - @baglayan


30 Mar 06:34
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What's Changed


New configuration options added since v2.1.0, they are not available in the GUI and you can only apply them by manually modifying the config.ini file.


I hear Maplespe will be back in about half a month.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.1.1


27 Mar 09:12
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2.1.0 Pre-release

What's Changed


New configuration options added in v2.1.0, they are not available in the GUI and you can only apply them by manually modifying the config.ini file.


Fixed #220.
Fixed #141.
Fixed #133.
Fixed #97.
Optimized the display of glass reflection. #136
Optimized graphics performance. #200
Optimized configuration refresh response speed and behavior.
Removed the annoying install/uninstall message box


@Maplespe is currently away from the repository for a while as he's been very busy lately and it may take him a long time to come back, I'll be in charge of updating the repository until then but I can't guarantee that I'll be able to update it often. In the meantime, some of the new features I may not be able to provide in the GUI, as I don't know how to use MiaoUI.
Since this version lacks enough testing, it may have really many bugs, I hope you can understand that. But anyway, I really appreciate the people who have been supporting and contributing to this project.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.1.0


07 Feb 15:49
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修复了 Windows 10 关闭窗口动画边框超出的问题
修复了 Windows 10 启用自定义效果且未扩展边框时,窗口边框线颜色不显示的问题
修复了 WIndows 11 21H2 始终使用活动窗口颜色的问题


感谢: Longhorn004

Minor update, mainly bug fixes.

Fixed the issue of delayed dragging in some windows.#109
Fixed the issue of text cropping in some windows.#101
Fixed the issue with Windows 10 closing window animated border extensions.#97
Fixed the issue with Windows 10 where the border line disappeared when using the Aviation theme without the "Extend effects to borders" option enabled. #106
Fixed this issue where Windows 11 21H2 window colors always used the active window color. #121
Optimized and fixed some text layout and experience of GUI program.#112 #113

Updated translation of Italian.

Added Korean translation
Thanks to: @Longhorn004

2.0.0 !!!

06 Feb 05:57
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之前版本的诸多的问题都是由于DWM内部的旧模糊类引起的,因此 全新的自定义模糊类将解决所有旧模糊类的问题,这里不在详细列出请自行体验!
修改选项"模糊半径(全局)" 为可选项 可自行选则是否修改全局模糊半径
增加了 亮/暗 颜色模式可以单独配置颜色 自适应系统亮暗颜色主题变化


新增模糊方法选项: 现在可在 自定义模糊、旧模糊、DWMAPI三种方法之间自由切换

  • 自定义模糊 - 可选Blur、Aero、Acrylic、Mica效果 可以自定义绝大部分参数
  • 旧模糊 - 仅Blur效果 (是1.0.4以及之前版本的DWMBlurGlass的模糊方法) 可以自定义部分参数
  • DWMAPI - 使用Window 11的DwmSetWindowAttribute API设置SystemBackdrop效果 可选 Mica、Acrylic、MicaAlt 不可自定义参数


  • 标题栏模糊半径(仅限自定义模糊方法): 如果未勾选修改全局模糊半径 则可以在此处修改仅标题栏的模糊半径
  • 材质亮度透明度(仅限自定义模糊方法): 自定义Acrylic/Mica效果的luminosityOpacity参数

Aero反射效果 现在支持Windows 11(仅限自定义模糊方法)
增加了窗口激活和失去焦点之间的过渡动画 使颜色过渡更加优雅!(仅限自定义模糊方法)

修复了选项"减少标题栏按钮高度 (win7样式)" 在默认主题下和部分不支持DPI缩放的老程序下布局外观异常的问题
修复了Windows11 21H2崩溃的问题
优化了DWMBlurGlass GUI的部分元素和高DPI显示效果以及部分控件自适应语言文本长度



Major Updates

Added our own custom blur implementation to replace DWM's old internal blur for high performance, better customization and gorgeous visual effects, special thanks to ALTaleX for a series of research and implementation.
Most of the problems in the previous version were caused by the old DWM internal blur class, so the new custom blur class will solve all the problems of the old one, which will not be listed here in detail, so please try it out for yourself!
Modify the option "Blur radius (global)" to optional, you can choose whether to modify the global blur radius or not.
Added Light/Dark color mode to configure the color individually to adapt to the system's light/dark color theme.

Added page "Advanced".

New Blur Method option: You can now switch between Custom Blur, Legacy Blur, and DWMAPI methods.

  • Custom Blur - Blur, Aero, Acrylic, Mica effects are available. Most of the parameters can be customized.
  • Legacy Blur - Blur effect only (blur method of DWMBlurGlass from 1.0.4 and earlier). You can customize some of the parameters.
  • DWMAPI - use Window 11's api DwmSetWindowAttribute to apply SystemBackdrop effect, you can choose Mica, Acrylic, MicaAlt. But parameters cannot be customized.

Parameter Settings.

  • TitleBar Blur Radius (custom blur method only): If the option "Blur radius (global)" is unchecked, you can modify the blur radius of the titlebar here.
  • Luminosity Opacity (custom blur method only): Customize the luminosityOpacity parameter for Acrylic/Mica effects.

Aero reflection effect now supports Windows 11 (custom blur methods only).
Optimized Aero Reflections to include parallax effect (custom blur methods only)
Added transition animation between window activation and loss of focus Makes color transitions more elegant! (Custom blur method only)
Optimized window maximize/minimize animation performance (custom blur method only)

Fixed the issue that the option "Decrease titlebar button height (win7 style)" layout looks abnormal under the default theme and some old programs that don't support DPI scaling.
Fixed the problem that the configuration file did not take effect immediately after importing from an external place.
Fixed Windows 11 21H2 crash issue.
Optimized the performance of the old blur method, but we recommend you to use our new custom blur implementation which is at least 10 times more efficient than the old one!
Optimized some elements of DWMBlurGlass GUI and high DPI appearance as well as adaptive language text length of some controls
Optimized the performance of system appearance recovery during uninstallation

Optimized English translation
Thanks to: @ALTaleX531

See for a description of the effect.
We are looking forward to your feedback!


31 Jan 16:27
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优化了程序稳定性 #10 #69 #67
修复了Windows11 部分程序Mica背景变为纯色的问题 #63
优化了"减少标题栏按钮高度 (win7样式)"的样式 现在应当1:1还原win7的宽高 并修复了Tool窗口按钮尺寸不正确的问题 #16
修复了GUI程序关闭后有概率在后台死锁导致无法再次打开的问题 #57
内置增加了Windows 11 23H2 22631.3085的符号

感谢: Baakun, real-squid-kid, Dekamir, Unbloated, ghost, naturbrilian, LuisYeah1234-hub


我们正在积极准备下一版本,下一版本将会是重大更新,将会带来全新的效果! 但还未完成,敬请期待。

Optimized program stability. #10 #69 #67
Fixed the problem that Mica background changed to solid color in some programs of Windows 11. #63
Optimized the style of "Reduce title bar button height (win7 style)" Now it should be 1:1 Win7 width and fix the problem of incorrect size of Tool window buttons. #16
Fixed the problem that the GUI program may be deadlocked in the background after closing and cannot be opened again. #57
Built-in added symbols for Windows 11 23H2 22631.3085.

Added Japanese, Russian, Turkish, French, Portuguese, Indonesian and Italian translations.

Thanks to @Baakun, @real-squid-kid, @Dekamir, @Unbloated, @ghost, @naturbrilian, @LuisYeah1234-hub

Next version

We are actively preparing for the next version, which will be a major update that will bring brand new effects! But it's not finished yet, so stay tuned.
Considering the current stability, we are temporarily releasing this minor update, which should be more stable compared to the previous version.


20 Jan 18:02
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修复Aero反光效果可能在部分窗口截断的问题 #22 #14
修复了活动窗口颜色透明度使用的是非活动窗口透明度的问题 #18
修复了窗口混合色的圆角裁剪的问题 #19
优化了"减少标题栏按钮高度 (win7样式)"的样式 使其更接近win7样式 #16
优化了稳定性和效率 #10
追加修复Windows 11 部分效果失效的问题 (2024-1-21 4:23)

增加了德语翻译 感谢akaydev-coder

Fix the problem that Aero reflection effect may be truncated in some windows. #22 #14
Fix the problem that the active window color transparency uses the inactive window transparency. #18
Fixed the problem of rounded corner cropping for window color mixing. #19
Optimized the style of "Reduce title bar button height (win7 style)" to be closer to the Win7 style. #16
Optimized stability and efficiency. #10
Additional fixes for Windows 11 effect failure (2024-1-21 4:23).

Added German translation Thanks to @akaydev-coder.