Base library to create tools for sites based on Mediawiki software. - Base para crear herramientas para sitios basados en el software Mediawiki.
Loading a page, editing it and saving it. - Cargar una página, editarla y guardarla.
- C#
using System;
namespace MyProgram
class Program
static void TestMethod()
string configPath = @"c:\Config.cfg";
string logPath = @"c:\log.psv";
string usersPath = @"c:\users.psv";
string botName = "MyCoolBotName";
SimpleLogger EventLogger = new SimpleLogger(logPath, usersPath, botName, true);
Bot Workerbot = new Bot(configPath, EventLogger);
Page examplepage = Workerbot.GetPage("Example page");
string newtext = examplepage.Content.Replace("Text", "NewText");
//Do something
examplepage.Save(newtext, "Test edit using C#!");
- Visual Basic
Imports System
Namespace MyProgram
Class Program
Public Shared Sub TestMethod()
Dim configPath As String = "c:\Config.cfg"
Dim logPath As String = "c:\log.psv"
Dim usersPath As String = "c:\users.psv"
Dim botName As String = "MyCoolBotName"
Dim EventLogger As New SimpleLogger(logPath, usersPath, botName, True)
Dim Workerbot As Bot = New Bot(configPath, EventLogger)
Dim examplepage as Page = Workerbot.Getpage("Example page")
Dim newtext as String = examplepage.Content.Replace("Text", "Newtext")
'Do something
examplepage.Save(newtext, "Test edit using VB!")
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- Template manipulation on VB
Imports System
Namespace MyProgram
Class Program
Public Shared Sub TestMethod()
Dim configPath As String = "c:\Config.cfg"
Dim logPath As String = "c:\log.psv"
Dim usersPath As String = "c:\users.psv"
Dim botName As String = "MyCoolBotName"
Dim EventLogger As New SimpleLogger(logPath, usersPath, botName, True)
Dim Workerbot As Bot = New Bot(configPath, EventLogger)
'Load page
Dim examplePage As Page = Workerbot.Getpage("Example page")
Dim pageContent As String = examplePage.Content
'Do something
Dim templateName As String = "Cool template name"
Dim oldParameterName As String = "Old parameter name"
Dim newParameterName As String = "New and cool parameter name"
If Template.IsTemplatePresentInText(pageContent, templateName) Then
Dim templates As List(Of Template) = Template.GetTemplates(pageContent)
For Each t As Template In templates
Dim originalTemplateText As String = t.Text
If t.Name.Trim.Equals(templateName.Trim) Then
If t.ContainsParameter(oldParameterName) Then
t.ChangeNameOfParameter(oldParameterName, newParameterName) 'This will remove the parameter from the template object changing the Text property of it.
End If
End If
pageContent = pageContent.Replace(originalTemplateText, t.Text) 'Replace the old template text with the new template text
End If
Dim minorEdit As Boolean = False
Dim botEdit As Boolean = True
Dim replaceBlacklistedLinks As Boolean = True
Dim editSummary As String = "Cool template manipulation"
examplePage.Save(pageContent, editSummary, minorEdit, botEdit, replaceBlacklistedLinks)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
- Template Manipulation on C#
using System;
namespace MyProgram
class Program
public static void TestMethod()
string configPath = @"c:\Config.cfg";
string logPath = @"c:\log.psv";
string usersPath = @"c:\users.psv";
string botName = "MyCoolBotName";
SimpleLogger EventLogger = new SimpleLogger(logPath, usersPath, botName, true);
Bot Workerbot = new Bot(configPath, EventLogger);
// Load page
Page examplePage = Workerbot.Getpage("Example page");
string pageContent = examplePage.Content;
// Do something
string templateName = "Cool template name";
string oldParameterName = "Old parameter name";
string newParameterName = "New and cool parameter name";
if (Template.IsTemplatePresentInText(pageContent, templateName))
List<Template> templates = Template.GetTemplates(pageContent);
foreach (Template t in templates)
string originalTemplateText = t.Text;
if (t.Name.Trim.Equals(templateName.Trim()))
if (t.ContainsParameter(oldParameterName))
t.ChangeNameOfParameter(oldParameterName, newParameterName);// This will remove the parameter from the template object changing the Text property of it.
pageContent = pageContent.Replace(originalTemplateText, t.Text); // Replace the old template text with the new template text
bool minorEdit = false;
bool botEdit = true;
bool replaceBlacklistedLinks = true;
string editSummary = "Cool template manipulation";
examplePage.Save(pageContent, editSummary, minorEdit, botEdit, replaceBlacklistedLinks);