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Naya Studio

A sign-up experience for designers and makers, where they are asked several questions and the required data is stored in a Database.

The frontend of the website is designed using Bootstrap 4 to make it fully responsive. And the backend is based on Nodejs, Express, MongoDB.

Getting Started


You should have the following installed on your local machine:






Web Browser

Below are the download links for the same:

Install them and then move to the next step.


  • Download and extract the repository.

  • Start terminal and change working directory to the extracted repository.

  • Make sure your current working directory contains the file named index.js

  • To install the required dependencies, inside the terminal, run command npm install

Running and Testing

  • Using the terminal run command nodemon index.js or node index.js

  • Make sure that in the terminal you get the message:

    Sever is on port 8000

Make sure, this port is not being used by other application.

  • This ensures that the application is running properly.

The application can be tested using POSTMAN or using a Web browser through which we can send requests.


  • Setting up environment.

  • Open POSTMAN application, name your collection as Naya-Studio. And click this button on the top left.

*enter image description here

  • Name the request as Create Designer.

  • Now change the Request type from GET to POST

enter image description here

  • Add two more POST request with names Create Maker and Create DesignMaker

enter image description here

  • We have 3 different POST routes in this application

  • To create a Designer: localhost:8000/designer

  • To create a Maker: localhost:8000/maker

  • To create a DesignerMaker: localhost:8000/designerMaker

  • Add the urls accordingly and click save each time.enter image description here

  • Now we are ready for adding data for our post requests. Click on the body tab and choose form-data from the radio buttons. The window should look like this:enter image description here

  • Change type in makerImage key from text to file, The body for 3 of them should look like:enter image description here

To enter an array for 'materials' use index notation like shown above

  • The keys for 3 of the Models are shown below, use them while passing data
    • Maker:

email"		:

password	:	random99

capacity	:	5

materials[0]:	wood

location	:	Ajmer

imageLink	:

makerImage	:	*Choose file*

  • Designer:

email	:

password:	random99

capacity:	5

category:	interior designer

training:	String


designerImage:	*Choose file*

  • DesignerMaker:

email		:

password	:	randonjacb

makerCapacity:	9


category	:	designer maker

material[0]	:	wood

training	:	design

location	:	Ajmer

imageLink	:

designerMakerImage:	*Choose file*
  • Click Save and then Send, to send the request.

  • You can now see the request status, to check whether it is a success or failure.

  • On a success code, the User has been added to your database. You can check the nayaStudio collection in MongoDB using terminal or using Robo3t GUI (Screenshot shared below). You can see that passwords are secured by hashing.

Robo3t snapshot

  • In case of wrong input (we'll discuss the allowed inputs very soon) you'll get an error message in the POSTMAN. Example:

enter image description here

  • This is all about POSTMAN. For any queries feel free to Email me at


  • Well, this one is quite easy. Open Google Chrome or any other Browser (preferably latest).

  • In the address bar type: localhost:8000 and press enter.

  • There you go, you can now choose from the options available on the screen accordingly which will redirect you to the correct form for you.

I will try to add Bootstrap Validations to the form for a better UI, if I get a chance.

  • I have added a really nice feature which displays a flash message on successful submission of the form.

Validations in mongoose

I have added the following validations for 3 of the following models:

Maker model

  • email should be of valid format. And make sure that it not already used. It is a required field

  • Length of password should be between 6-1000. It should not contain the term "password", in any form. It is a required field

  • capacity must be an integer greater than or equal to 1. It is a required field

  • materials should be an array of String elements. And should contain items only from:['wood','metal','plastic','glass','concrete','other'].It is a required field

  • imageLink should be a URL in correct format.

  • BONUS: I've added the upload image from local machine feature, which will let you choose an image file of jpeg, png, jpg format, with size less than 6 MB. The image will be uploaded on the server inside the uploads folder. The model will store the path of the image uploaded by that user.

I'll try to further improve the upload image feature in the upcoming versions, if I get to work on this project.

Designer model

Common fields have same validations. Different ones are discussed below:

  • category of designer should be a String element. And should be only from from:['furniture designer','architect','interior designer','industrial designer','designer maker','other'].It is a required field

  • No need to worry about the lowercase/uppercase, I've made sure that input changes to lowercase before validation and getting saved. It is a required field. I've also made sure that the end spaces get trimmed.

  • capacity of designer should be a number greater than zero (yes, we accept decimals too). It is a required field

  • BONUS: I've added the upload image from local machine feature, which will let you choose an image file of jpeg, png, jpg format, with size less than 6 MB. The image will be uploaded on the server inside the uploads folder. The model will store the path of the image uploaded by that user.

I'll try to further improve the upload image feature in the upcoming versions, if I get to work on this project.

designerMaker model

The validations of above two models are used in it.

Built With

  • NodeJs

  • Express

  • MongoDb

  • npm dependencies used:

    • "bcryptjs": "^2.4.3" : To hash the password.

    • "body-parser": "^1.19.0" : Parsing the JSON body.

    • "connect-flash": "^0.1.1": Displaying flash message on success.

    • "cookie-parser": "^1.4.5",

    • "ejs": "^3.0.2": For rendering.

    • "express": "^4.17.1": Framework.

    • "express-session": "^1.17.0",

    • "mongoose": "^5.9.7": ODM library for MongoDB and nodeJS.

    • "multer": "^1.4.2" : To upload images

    • "path": "^0.12.7"

    • "validator": "^13.0.0": For some super cool validations



This task served as a really intresting and fun project for me. Building everything from scratch, going through errors,looking for solutions, solving them, implementing new ideas helped me learn a lot of cool stuff.

Also, I tried to make this README as detailed as possible. If you have any queries you can E-mail me at or