Set of config files and reference outputs used for the CI testing of pyrad
- Figure out if your test requires the standard Py-ART version or if it requires the version of MeteoSwiss.
- Define env variables ${PYRAD_TESTS_PATH} (to the directory of this repository) and ${S3_SECRET_READ}, ${S3_KEY_READ}, ${S3_SECRET_WRITE}, ${S3_KEY_WRITE}
- Place your input data in pyrad-tests/input_data/<name_of_your_test>
- Create your loc, main and prod config files under pyrad-tests/config/processing/base/ if you use the standard Py-ART version or under pyrad-tests/config/processing/mch/ if you use the MeteoSwiss version. Make sure to use the respect the following rules:
- Main config filename must be <name_of_your_test>_main.txt
- The name parameter in the main config file must be <name_of_your_test>
- The main directory of the pyrad-tests repository must be indicated with ${PYRAD_TESTS_PATH}, for example datapath STRING ${PYRAD_TESTS_PATH}/input_data/read_display_nexrad/KATX/
- Make sure that the path to the data as defined in your config files agrees with where you placed them at step 2.
- Make sure that the output path is set to saveimgbasepath STRING ${PYRAD_TESTS_PATH}/pyrad_products_test/
- Finally update the file pyrad-tests/time_references.txt with the relevant start and end times for your new test. Add the line <name_of_your_test>,start_time,end_time, start_time and end_time must be provided in the YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format.
- Run your config files once using --cfgpath <local_path_to_pyrad_tests>/config/processing/<base or mch (see step 3)>/ --starttime start_time --endtime end_time <name_of_your_test>_main.txt
- If you are happy with your outputs and think they can be used as reference, copy the directory pyrad_products_test/<name_of_your_test> to pyrad_products_ref/<name_of_your_test
- Add your local modifications to the github repository, with a PR